Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) Plans

Transportation agencies across the country are moving from implementing ad hoc transportation systems management and operations (TSMO) projects towards institutionalizing TSMO as a core function of the agency. To structure and sustain this shift, many agencies have found it valuable to develop a TSMO program plan that outlines the strategic, programmatic, and tactical visions for TSMO and the steps needed to achieve them. Management and operations stakeholders work together with transportation planners, designers, and other partners to develop this vision by finding agreement on:

  • Strategic elements: business case for TSMO; TSMO program mission; goals and performance measures
  • Programmatic elements: organizational structure; staffing and workforce needs; leadership needs and roles; business processes
  • Tactical elements: TSMO projects or services; policies for implementation.

TSMO program planning can help an agency increase the effectiveness of its TSMO efforts by providing a clear understanding of what the TSMO program entails, what it aims to achieve and how, and how it fits within the larger agency context. TSMO program plans can help stakeholders develop operations objectives to guide the selection of management and operations strategies, integrate projects in the region’s planning and programming processes, and identify performance measures that will enable them to track progress.

Resources to Help You Develop a TSMO Program Plan

Reports and Publications

Developing and Sustaining a Transportation Systems Management & Operations Mission for Your Organization: A Primer for Program Planning (HTML, PDF 2.0 MB) - describes the elements and process of TSMO program planning

Improving Business Processes for More Effective Transportation Systems Management and Operations (HTML, PDF 2.5 MB)

NCHRP Report 20-07/345: Program Planning and Development for Transportation System Management and Operations in State Departments of Transportation

NCHRP Synthesis 567:  Summary State DOT Practices for Developing and Implementing TSMO Plans

Webinars and Training

CITE Training: Program Planning for TSMO

FHWA-AASHTO TSMO Program Planning Webinar Series – hosted by NOCoE

Advancing TSMO: Making the Business Case for Institutional, Organizational, and Procedural Changes – Dec 2018

Transportation Systems Management & Operations… What Does It Mean to Planners? – April 2017


Statewide TSMO Resources

Regional TSMO Resources

Additional Resources