What's New

TSMO Benefit-Cost Analysis Web-Based Training

This web-based training course is designed to equip TSMO champions to conduct a benefit-cost analysis for TSMO projects. It is available on the National Highway Institute’s Blackboard Learning Management System. Search for Course# 133142

Recent FHWA TSMO Resources

This sheet provides links to recent FHWA TSMO products and resources related to communications, training, technical reports, and tools.

Current FHWA Organizing and Planning for Operations Activities

This sheet provides a summary of current FHWA TSMO projects and activities.

TSMO 101 Web-Based Training

This introductory web-based course describes TSMO concepts, benefits, and applications. It is available on the National Highway Institute’s Blackboard Learning Management System. Search for Course# 133140.

Understanding and Applying the CMM to Advance TSMO Programs

This web-based training course is designed to equip TSMO champions with enough knowledge about the capability maturity model (CMM) to lead a self-assessment of their agency and partners’ capabilities to deliver TSMO. It is available on the National Highway Institute’s Blackboard Learning Management System. Search for Course# 133141

Planning For TSMO Practitioner Reference 

This Reference document enables transportation planners, operators, and others to plan for TSMO by identifying operations objectives, performance measures, strategies, implementation, and management considerations. It also features excerpts from an example transportation plan includes brief discussions of important topics in planning for TSMO such as project prioritization and sustaining TSMO over the long term.

Updated FHWA Asset Management for Operations Website

The FHWA Asset Management for Operations website has been updated to include presentation slides on Connecting TSMO and Asset Management, links to current Transportation Asset Management Plans (TAMPs) that include TSMO assets, and a sampling of links to TSMO plans that include asset management elements.

Travel Time Reliability Reference Guide

This guide describes key elements for including travel time reliability evaluation within traffic analysis approaches. It includes information on observing the system; defining the problem; collecting and preparing data for analysis; creating the model; verifying, calibrating, and validating; and data processing, analysis, and presentation, as well as some examples. The guide is part of an effort by FHWA to update the FHWA Traffic Analysis Toolbox to reflect and incorporate travel time reliability concepts.