Parking Pricing Quarterly Reports
Parking pricing encompasses parking policies that rely on market forces to influence the decision to drive, including variable pricing of curbside parking, commuter parking taxes, and parking "cash out" programs that require employers to provide their employees with the option to take the value of free or subsidized employee parking in cash in lieu of using the parking space provided by the employer.
- CALIFORNIA: goBerkeley Parking and Transportation Demand Management Pilot
- CALIFORNIA: LA Express Park Performance Parking System Implementation in Westwood
- CALIFORNIA: Regional Parking Pricing Analysis Tools
- CALIFORNIA: San Francisco Parking Pricing and Regulation Study
- CALIFORNIA: SFpark Parking Management Program in the City of San Francisco
- CALIFORNIA: Smart Parking Initiative in San Diego
- DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Multi-modal Dynamic Parking Pricing
- MASSACHUSETTS: Kendall Square Employer Transportation Benefit Pricing Project
- MINNESOTA: Parking Pricing Demonstration in the Twin Cities Area
- NEVADA: Parking Pricing to Minimize Car Travel through the Most Congested Areas Around Lake Tahoe, NV
- NEW YORK: Parking Pricing in New York City
- NEW YORK: PARK Smart New York City
- WASHINGTON: Park and Ride Pricing in Multi-Family Developments
- WASHINGTON: Right Size Parking