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Office of Operations 21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Value Pricing Pilot Program


Report to Congress on the Value Pricing Pilot Program Through May 2022

The Report to Congress on the Value Pricing Pilot Program Through May 2022 is now available.

Value Pricing Pilot Program Quarterly Report

The Value Pricing Pilot Program April – June 2018 Quarterly Report is now available.

Peer-To-Peer Carsharing: Short-term effects on travel behavior in Portland, OR

This report is a multiyear study of the peer-to-peer carsharing in Portland, Oregon relative to other models of car use.

San Francisco Parking Supply and Utilization Study

This report analyzed a diverse range of parking pricing and rebate strategies on vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and vehicle hours of delay (VHD) and showed that some strategies would be particularly effective reducing VMT and VHD, although parking pricing, unlike cordon pricing, would not curtail pass-through trips.

The Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) Act did not authorize additional funds after FY2012 for the discretionary grant component of the Value Pricing Pilot Program (VPPP). However, FHWA's ability to enter into cooperative agreements for projects that require tolling authority under this program for their implementation will continue.

The VPPP was established by the U.S. Congress as the Congestion Pricing Pilot Program in 1991. It was subsequently renamed the VPPP under Section 1216 (a) of TEA-21 in 1998, and continued through SAFETEA-LU. There are currently 10 State-led programs participating in the VPPP: California, Connecticut, Florida, Maryland, Minnesota, Nevada, New York (State), Oregon, Texas, and Virginia. Many of these programs have multiple projects. View a list of all projects since 2008 that have received VPPP grant funding.

The VPPP is intended to demonstrate whether and to what extent roadway congestion may be reduced through application of congestion pricing strategies, and the magnitude of the impact of such strategies on driver behavior, traffic volumes, transit ridership, air quality and availability of funds for transportation programs. Fiscal year 2012 was the final year in which funding was available to solicit projects. While the program no longer actively solicits projects, the program can still provide tolling authority to State, regional or local governments to implement congestion pricing applications and report on their effects.

Value Pricing projects continue to demonstrate the technical feasibility of pricing and have changed travel behavior. Priced lanes have also proven that many travelers are happy to have the option of paying for a guaranteed reliable trip. Furthermore, the VPPP's support of innovative congestion reduction strategies through the deployment of priced facilities has created more efficient use of the transportation network which offers citizens the opportunity to reach services and jobs.

Value Pricing Pilot Program Expression of Interest Process (PDF 226KB) – Provides more information about how to participate in the program.

Key Findings

The VPPP projects and studies have provided many valuable lessons, but three key findings demonstrate the significant progress made in the past few years toward successful deployment of comprehensive congestion pricing strategies and programs:

  • Equity concerns are being addressed through better planning and public outreach.
  • Congestion reduction is being achieved in highway corridors and parking facilities where congestion pricing projects have been implemented.
  • Pilot projects and studies are leading many metropolitan areas to develop managed lane systems and to integrate congestion pricing strategies into their regional plans and implementation programs to support larger regional congestion reduction and mobility goals.

Project Implementation Assistance

While the VPPP no longer receives funds to award to projects under MAP-21, and requirements for toll agreements under Section 129 and Section 166 tolling were eliminated, entities can still seek authority to toll under the VPPP.

Division Offices with questions on advancing tolling projects in their States should first work through Cynthia Essenmacher in the Office of Innovative Program Delivery, who coordinates the Tolling and Pricing Team at FHWA headquarters. She is available to provide assistance on general or cross-cutting questions on the Federal tolling programs.


  • Report to Congress on the Value Pricing Pilot Program Through December 2022 (PDF 229KB)
  • Report to Congress on the Value Pricing Pilot Program Through December 2020 (HTML, PDF 2.5MB)
  • Quarterly Reports – These reports are updated on a quarterly basis and cover active projects being studied as well as projects that have been implemented under the VPPP. Each report includes a description of the project; when project funds were awarded; the anticipated completion date; the update for the current quarter; and a contact name for those seeking additional information about the project.
  • Project Study Reports – Projects funded by the Value Pricing Pilot Program have resulted in several study reports, providing findings, results, and lessons learned.
  • List of VPPP Projects and Funding since 2008
  • Report to Congress on the Value Pricing Pilot Program Through April 2018 (HTML, PDF 2.5MB)
  • Report to Congress on the Value Pricing Pilot Program Through April 2016 (HTML, PDF 792KB)
  • Report to Congress on the Value Pricing Pilot Program Through April 2014 (HTML, PDF 2.5MB)
  • Report to Congress on the Value Pricing Pilot Program Through April 2012 (HTML, PDF 1.5MB)
  • Report to Congress on the Value Pricing Pilot Program Through April 2010 (HTML, PDF 73KB)
  • Report to Congress on the Value Pricing Pilot Program through May 2009 (HTML, PDF 688KB)
  • Report to Congress on the Value Pricing Pilot Program through April 2006 (HTML, PDF 700KB)
  • Value Pricing Pilot Program: Lessons Learned (HTML, PDF 1.6MB) – Publication Number: FHWA-HOP-08-023
  • FHWA Office of Innovative Program Delivery – Sources & Tools: User-based Revenue Sources
  Last modified: May 17, 2024  
Office of Operations