Arterial Management Program
time-lapse of traffic traveling in both directions on an urban arterial road
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures

Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPMs), included in the Every Day Counts 4 technology initiative, is defined as a suite of performance measures, data collection and data analysis tools to support objectives and performance based approaches to traffic signal operations, maintenance, management and design to improve the safety, mobility and efficiency of signalized intersections for all users.


  • Performance Based Management of Traffic Signal Systems – NCHRP Research Report 954 – This report compiles the best available information on automated traffic signal performance measures so that agencies can evaluate whether this performance-based approach would be cost-effective for their system and develop a plan for implementation.
  • A Methodology and Case Study: Evaluating the Benefits and Costs of Implementing Automated Traffic Signal Performance [HTML, PDF 4.6MB] - This document describes a methodology that includes a quantitative component supported by a subjective analysis. The intent of the methodology is to describe advantages and disadvantages of using a performance-based traffic signal monitoring process, when compared to the traditional approaches of monitoring and retiming traffic signals. The methodology is intended to validate the attainment of traffic signal program objectives and agency goals as articulated in a Traffic Signal Management Plan, Transportation System Management and Operations Plan, or other strategic planning document(s).


  • The FHWA Resource Center Operations Technical Service Team supports the delivery of half to full day workshop on the topic of Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures. Each workshop is customized, the team works with the workshop requestor to develop an agenda, learning objectives and presentation materials to support implementation of ATSPM. Please contact to learn more.

ATSPM On-demand Webinars and Videos

Case Studies

State and Local Agency Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measurement Websites


  Last modified: February 5, 2024  
Office of Operations