Arterial Management Program
time-lapse of traffic traveling in both directions on an urban arterial road
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Arterial Management Program

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Traffic Signal Change and Clearance Interval Pooled Fund Study: Synthesis Report
Publication Number: FHWA-HOP-23-037
March 2023

This is the Phase 1 report from the Traffic Signal Change and Clearance Interval Pooled Fund Study, which aims to improve documentation and consistent implementation of change and clearance interval calculation methods in State and local agencies. This report presents a synthesis of knowledge on change and clearance intervals and proposes eight research studies and data needs to execute the research.

Arterial roadways are a crucial link in the national transportation system providing for regional mobility and access to land use that is vital to our economy and quality of life.  Arterials account for more than one million lane miles of roadway, connecting local and collector roads to the national highway systems. Traffic signals provide for the safe transfer of right of way and manage the distribution of green time for vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles for signalized intersections on arterial, collector and local roads. There are more than 330,000 traffic signals in the United States serving urban, suburban and rural communities throughout the United States. Over 3,000 state, regional and local organizations are responsible for varying levels of management, operation and maintenance of the nation’s traffic signal infrastructure; valued at over $72 billion.

The goal of the Arterial Management Program is to advance the use of objectives and performance based approaches to traffic signal management, to improve design, operations and maintenance practices, resulting in increased safety, mobility and efficiency for all users.

Focus Areas

  Last modified: February 5, 2024  
Office of Operations