Arterial Management Program
time-lapse of traffic traveling in both directions on an urban arterial road
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Training & Workshops

National Highway Institute Courses (Development Sponsored by FHWA)

  • 133121 – Traffic Signal Design and Operation (2-day, Instructor-Led)
    This course addresses the steps required to plan, design and implement a signalized intersection including warrant analysis, basic phasing and calculation of signal timing settings.
  • 133122 – Traffic Signal Timing Concepts (2-day, Instructor-Led)
    This course is for both seasoned professionals and novice traffic engineers to develop additional technical expertise in traffic signal timing design for isolated and coordinated traffic signal systems with the understanding of how the operation fits into an objective-driven, performance-oriented process.
  • 133129 - Introduction to Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPM) and Application Examples (3 hours, web-based)
    In this course, participants review the fundamental concepts of ATSPM and explore real-world applications.
  • 133130 - Advanced Use of Automated Traffic Signal Performance Measures (ATSPM) and Integration into Practice (8 hours, Virtual, Instructor-led)
    In this course, participants will discuss how ATSPMs can be integrated into agency practices to achieve an objectives-driven, performance-oriented process for maintaining and operating traffic signals. Participants will learn how to integrate ATSPM into the day-to-day management and operation of traffic signal systems, understand ATSPM charts, and validate the attainment of operational objectives.
  • 133134 – Introduction to Systems Engineering for Signal Systems (1-hour, web-based)
    This course is designed to assist traffic signal managers and operations professionals with the implementation of advanced traffic system by to identifying objectives and needs for improved traffic operations. The courses incorporates systems engineering principles to provide a comprehensive view of what is required before, during, and after the implementation of a traffic control system. Adaptive signal control is used as the example throughout the course.
  • 133135 - Practical Application of Systems Engineering for Signal Systems (2-day, Instructor-led)
    This course will assist traffic operations staff in acquiring new traffic signal systems by following a systematic process to plan, design, and implement the new system as defined in the Model Systems Engineering Documents for Central Traffic Signal Systems - Final Draft Model Docs.

University and State DOT Sponsored Courses

  • Traffic Signal Academy (1-5 days, instructor led)
    Developed by the University of Tennessee's Center for Transportation Research, this course offers a comprehensive discussion on standards, warrants, installation and maintenance guidelines, liability issues, design, operations and maintenance of traffic signal systems. A full description of the course, cost and scheduling information can be found at
  • Mobile Hands on Signal Timing Training (MOST) (self-paced or instructor led)
    Developed by the University of Idaho National Institute for Advanced Transportation Technology (NIATT), MOST is student focused where learning is achieved by doing experiments, analyzing data and drawing conclusions about what makes good signal timing practice. You may download the course material, simulation software and experiments by visiting
  • Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) Traffic Signal Training (Instructor-Led)
    MnDOT offers three courses related to traffic signal management and operations: Traffic Signal Design, Traffic Signal Timing and Coordination and Traffic Signals 101.
  • Traffic Signal Timing Blended Course (Web-Based – Instructor Led)
    Developed by the Consortium for ITS Training and Education (CITE) this course provides students with an understanding of both the theory and practice of traffic signal timing and its impact on traffic operations.
  • Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Traffic Signal Training (Web-Based – Self-Study & Instructor Led)
    PennDOT offers a web-based introduction to traffic signal course composed of seven modules familiarizes participants with PennDOT's approach to traffic signal design, operation and maintenance. PennDOT also offers four instructor-led courses. To review the course offerings enter traffic signal in the Course Search of PennDOT'S training calendar.
  • Traffic Signal Systems Operations and Design (Self-Paced Activity-Based Learning)
    Educational research points to a hands-on active learning environment as the best approach to improving student understanding of important concepts. Unlike many courses that emphasize an instructor focus (with lectures presented to students), this book emphasizes a student focus in which you will learn by doing an experiment, analyzing data that you collect, and drawing conclusions about what makes good signal timing practice.
  Last modified: February 20, 2024  
Office of Operations