Road Weather Management Program
photos of lightning, trucks plowing snow, an empty road before a storm, and an evacuation
Office of Operations 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Welcome to Road Weather Management

The Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Road Weather Management Program (RWMP) strives to sustainably strengthen the resiliency of our Nation's world-class highway system by mitigating the impacts weather can have on it and the environment. Our vision, mission, and core values drive this pursuit through collaboration and leadership in the road weather community. We focus on our mission to lead and support the road weather community in the development and deployment of innovative technologies, solutions, and strategies. These tools will enable agencies to better manage the transportation system and minimize the impacts of ever-changing adverse road weather conditions. This is achieved through a combination of applied research, knowledge and technology transfer, solution deployment support, and stakeholder engagement

The Road Weather Front

Spotlight on Road Weather Management Today

Adaptive Route Optimization (ARO) for Operations – Concept of Operations Version 2 (FHWA-HOP-24-055)
This document is a concept of operations for developing a snowplow adaptive route optimization (ARO) solution. The information in this concept of operations supports systems engineering for creating an ARO system, intelligence, or tool that incorporates near real-time and historic data for winter operations personnel to use during adverse winter weather. After engaging stakeholders through the ARO Forum, we have updated the concept of operations to version 2.

Adaptive Route Optimization (ARO) for Operations – Feasibility and Readiness Report (FHWA-HOP-24-043)
The purpose of this document is to describe the feasibility of developing and the readiness of deploying ARO, as described in the ConOps, for an agency that performs winter maintenance and operations. Assessing ARO feasibility and readiness is based on analysis of the state of technology and agency operations relative to the needs identified in the ConOps and SyRS, and discussions with stakeholders.

WRMS Factsheet: Florida DOT Bridge Wind Speed Alerting System (FHWA-HOP-21-088)
This factsheet provides an overview of how Florida DOT implemented a high-wind alert system on multiple road bridges across the state to assist transportation managers with bridge closure decision making.

WRMS Fact Sheet - Pathfinder: Arizona’s Coordinated Messaging on Snowstorm Impacts (FHWA-HOP-22-054)
This factsheet provides a look inside the Arizona Pathfinder program and how coordination between the Arizona DOT and National Weather Service has improved messaging to motorists and minimized traffic impacts due to weather.

Automated Vehicles and Adverse Weather (AVAW-3) Final Report (FHWA-HOP-21-047)
Manufacturers are developing and promoting automated vehicles (AVs), which will have to perform in a variety of adverse weather conditions. With recent advancements in AV technology, the Federal Highway Administration is exploring AV needs, opportunities, and potential shortcomings during adverse weather conditions. The objective for Automated Vehicles and Adverse Weather Phase 3 (AVAW-3) testing is to explore how adverse weather and road conditions in different driving environments affect AV dynamics and operations, driver behavior, and AV sensing capabilities.

Automated Vehicles and Adverse Weather (AVAW-3) Flyer (FHWA-HOP-21-046)
This flyer describes, at a high level, the research approach and results derived from the AVAW-3 project.

ARO Concept of Operations (ConOps) flyer (FHWA-HOP-22-055)
This flyer describes, at a high level, the concept of operations for developing a snowplow adaptive route optimization (ARO) solution.

ARO System Requirements (FHWA-HOP-22-029)
The information contained in this document supports systems engineering and requirements for creating a system, intelligence, or tool that incorporates real-time and historic data to develop an adaptive snowplow routing optimization solution for maintenance and operations personnel to use during adverse winter weather.

ARO System Requirements flyer (FHWA-HOP-22-063)
This flyer describes, at a high level, the systems engineering and requirements for developing a snowplow adaptive route optimization (ARO) solution.

ARO Literature Review, Technology Scan, and Interviews Final Report (FHWA-HOP-21-098)
This literature review, technology scan, and collection of interviews with early route optimization adopters serves to support FHWA in developing foundational systems engineering documentation for adaptive route optimization (ARO).

WRMS Factsheet: Approaches to Crowdsourcing (FHWA-HOP-21-057)
This factsheet provides an overview of three different approaches to crowdsourcing used by State and local DOTs, specifically for road weather condition monitoring. Because technology is changing rapidly, the information herein is a snapshot of current practices.

Arizona Department of Transportation Dual Use Technology (DUST) Warning System (FHWA-HOP-22-071)
In Arizona, one of the biggest challenges for road weather management along Interstate 1- (I-10) is dust storms. Dust storms can quickly reduce visibility, causing extended queues, multiple-car crashes, and secondary crashes. This factsheet reviews how the Arizona DOT deployed road weather management technology solutions to reduce the risks associated with dust storms.

Road Weather Management Performance Measures – 2021 Update (FHWA-HOP-22-002)
Since 2006, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Road Weather Management Program (RWMP) has conducted a periodic assessment of program effectiveness in improving the performance of the transportation system during adverse weather conditions. The RWMP assessments of program performance were conducted and documented in 2009, 2012, 2015, 2017, and 2019. This document is a continuation of this periodic review. The 2021 report presents the latest results of the RWMP's performance measures assessment and summarizes suggestions for the RWMP to consider related to each program objective: (1) stakeholder engagement, (2) research and development, (3) deployment, (4) knowledge and technology transfer, and (5) innovation, resilience, and sustainability.

Weather-Responsive Management Strategies for Hurricane Recovery in Louisiana, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey (FHWA-HOP-23-012)
This case study looks how State DOTs used weather-responsive management strategies, tools and technologies to mitigate, manage and recover from Hurricane Ida transportation system impacts.

WRMS Factsheet: The City of Fort Collins (FHWA-HOP-22-057)
This factsheet reviews how the City of Fort Collins, Colorado deployed weather-responsive management strategies associated with integrated mobile observations to improve winter operations response and recovery.

Utah’s and Minnesota’s Snowplow Signal Preemption and Priority (FHWA-HOP-22-053)
This factsheet reviews how the Utah and Minnesota DOTs deployed weather-responsive management strategies associated with snowplow signal preemption and priority to improve winter operations response and to highlight the benefits and challenges associated with the initiative

(NEW WRMS Factsheet: Agency Tools to Manage Infrastructure Impacts during Flood Events: FHWA-HOP-21-013)
WRMS can mitigate the impact of major flooding events through preparation efforts that leverage and build data, tools, and agency relationships. As a result, agencies are better equipped for response and recovery efforts. As explained in This Fact sheet, during flooding events, protecting and preserving roadway infrastructure from damage and ensuring structural integrity for use are critical activities for agencies.

Leveraging Road Weather Data for Performance Management Dashboards and Reports
Data management tools can use road weather data from mobile and CV technologies to enhance existing performance measures and improve how agencies manage the performance of their road weather operations and maintenance activities. This fact sheet provides an overview of how agencies may leverage road weather data to develop and improve performance measures for enhanced storm management and performance management dashboards.

Weather-Responsive Management Strategies (WRMS) for Flood Management in Iowa, Missouri, and Nebraska
Weather-Responsive Management Strategies (WRMS) can mitigate the impact of flooding events through preparation and prediction efforts that leverage and build data, tools, and relationships.  As a result, agencies are better equipped for response and recovery efforts. This case study highlights the experiences and lessons learned from the Iowa, Missouri, and Nebraska DOTs while managing major flood events in the Missouri River basin, resulting in both similar and different approaches and experiences given the various agency relationships and resources available for flood management.

Guidelines for Deploying CV-Enabled WRTM Strategies
The Road Weather Management Program and the ITS Joint Program Office published a document titled Guidelines for Deploying Connected Vehicle-Enabled Weather Responsive Traffic Management Strategies (PDF 5MB). The document provides useful information for transportation agencies on how they can incorporate road weather connected vehicle data for traffic management operations and decision-making.

Weather Data Environment (WxDE)

The FHWA Road Weather Management Program's Weather Data Environment collects, quality checks, and disseminates atmospheric and road weather observations through a map interface, on-demand requests, and subscriptions. Observations are collected from departments of transportation's Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS) fixed and transportable Environmental Sensor Stations (ESS) and from mobile sources with external road weather sensors. A WxDE Flyer is available and the system is located at

Publications Available

EDC-5/Weather Responsive Management Strategies

  • Leveraging Road Weather Data for Performance Management Dashboards and Reports (HTML, PDF 1.4MB) (FHWA-HOP-20-051)
  • Weather-Responsive Management Strategies for Traveler Information During Flood Events (HTML, PDF 2.5MB) (FHWA-HOP-20-045)
  • Weather-Responsive Management Strategies — Transportation Agency Deployment (HTML, PDF 2.9MB) (FHWA-HOP-20-015)
  • Weather Responsive Management Strategies (WRMS)—Minnesota DOT Case Study (HTML, PDF 1.5 MB) (FHWA-HOP-19-080)

Traffic Analysis and Management

  • Integrated Modeling for Road Condition Prediction — Phase 3 Evaluation Report (2020) (HTML, PDF 1.5MB) (FHWA-HOP-20-062)
  • Integrated Modeling for Road Condition Prediction Phase 3 Project Report (HTML, PDF 2.0MB)
  • Integrated Modeling for Road Condition Prediction: Can IMRCP be a window into the future? (HTML, PDF 736KB)
  Last modified: March 27, 2025  
Office of Operations