Integrated Modeling for Road Condition Prediction — Phase 3 Evaluation Report
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Contact Information: Operations Feedback at

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
December 2020
Table of Contents
[ Notice and Quality Assurance Statement ] [ Technical Report Documentation Page ] [ SI Modern Metric Conversion Factors ] [ List of Acronyms ]
List of Figures
Figure 1. Map. Integrated Model for Road Condition Prediction Phase 2 and Phase 3 deployment area in Kansas City area. |
Figure 2. Map. Link detector locations. |
Figure 3. Equation. Absolute error formula. |
Figure 4. Equation. Relative absolute error formula. |
Figure 5. Equation. Root mean square error formula. |
Figure 6. Plot. Interstate 435 and State Line Road historical speeds, November 11, 2019. |
Figure 7. Plot. Interstate 435 and State Line Road forecast speeds, November 11, 2019. |
Figure 8. Plot. Interstate 435 and State Line Road historical speeds, November 29, 2019. |
Figure 9. Plot. Interstate 435 and State Line Road forecast speeds, November 29, 2019. |
Figure 10. Plot. Interstate 435 and State Line Road historical speeds, December 15, 2019. |
Figure 11. Plot. Interstate 435 and State Line Road forecast speeds, December 15, 2019. |
Figure 12. Plot. Interstate 435 and State Line Road historical speeds, December 16, 2019. |
Figure 13. Plot. Interstate 435 and State Line Road forecast speeds, December 16, 2019. |
Figure 14. Plot. Interstate 435 and State Line Road historical speeds, December 17, 2019. |
Figure 15. Plot. Interstate 435 and State Line Road forecast speeds, December 17, 2019. |
Figure 16. Graph. Machine learning-based prediction absolute error at Interstate 435 and State Line Road. |
Figure 17. Graph. Traffic Estimation and Prediction System absolute error at Interstate 435 and State Line Road. |
Figure 18. Graph. Machine learning-based prediction relative absolute Error at Interstate 435 and State Line Road. |
Figure 19. Graph. Traffic Estimation and Prediction System relative absolute error at Interstate 435 and State Line Road. |
Figure 20. Graph. Machine learning-based prediction root mean square error at Interstate 435 and State Line Road. |
Figure 21. Graph. Traffic Estimation and Prediction System root mean square error at Interstate 435 and State Line Road. |
Figure 22. Plot. Interstate 435 and East Stadium Drive historical speeds, November 11, 2019. |
Figure 23. Plot. Interstate 435 and East Stadium Drive forecast speeds, November 11, 2019. |
Figure 24. Plot. Interstate 435 and East Stadium Drive historical speeds, November 29, 2019. |
Figure 25. Plot. Interstate 435 and East Stadium Drive forecast speeds, November 29, 2019. |
Figure 26. Plot. Interstate 435 and East Stadium Drive historical speeds, December 15, 2019. |
Figure 27. Plot. Interstate 435 and East Stadium Drive forecast speeds, December 15, 2019. |
Figure 28. Plot. Interstate 435 and East Stadium Drive historical speeds, December 16, 2019. |
Figure 29. Plot. Interstate 435 and East Stadium Drive forecast speeds, December 16, 2019. |
Figure 30. Plot. Interstate 435 and East Stadium Drive historical speeds, December 17, 2019. |
Figure 31. Plot. Interstate 435 and East Stadium Drive forecast speeds, December 17, 2019. |
Figure 32. Graph. Machine learning-based prediction absolute error at Interstate 435 and East Stadium Drive. |
Figure 33. Graph. Machine learning-based prediction relative absolute error at Interstate 435 and East Stadium Drive. |
Figure 34. Graph. Machine learning-based prediction root mean square error at Interstate 435 and East Stadium Drive. |
Figure 35. Plot. Interstate 435 and East Antioch Road historical speeds, January 29, 2020. |
Figure 36. Plot. Interstate 435 and East Antioch Road forecast speeds, January 29, 2020. |
Figure 37. Plot. Interstate 435 and East Antioch Road historical speeds, February 12, 2020. |
Figure 38. Plot. Interstate 435 and East Antioch Road forecast speeds, February 12, 2020. |
Figure 39. Graph. Machine learning-based prediction absolute error at Interstate 435 and East Antioch Road. |
Figure 40. Graph. Traffic Estimation and Prediction System absolute error at Interstate 435 and East Antioch Road. |
Figure 41. Graph. Machine learning-based prediction relative absolute error at Interstate 435 and East Antioch Road. |
Figure 42. Graph. Traffic Estimation and Prediction System relative absolute error at Interstate 435 and East Antioch Road. |
Figure 43. Graph. Machine learning-based prediction root mean square error at Interstate 435 and East Antioch Road. |
Figure 44. Graph. Traffic Estimation and Prediction System root mean square error at Interstate 435 and East Antioch Road. |
List of Tables