Traffic Analysis Tools Program
Traffic traveling in both directions on a congested highway
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Case Studies

The second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2) developed data and analysis tools to improve the measurement and management of travel time reliability by transportation practitioners. The SHRP2 Program provided funding to help State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) test the tools and incorporate reliability into their business practices. In total, 18 agencies piloted one or more tools, as shown in the table below. A short case study describes each agency project.  Each of the tools are also described below.

State L02 –
Guide to Establish Monitoring Programs for Travel-Time Reliability
L07 – Reliability by Design L08 – Incorporating Travel-Time Reliability into the Highway Capacity Manual C11 – Tools for Assessing Wider Economic Benefits of Transportation L05 – Handbook for Incorporating Reliability Performance Measures into Transportation Planning and Programming
Arizona DOT Yes Yes No No No
Arkansas DOT No Yes Yes No No
Colorado DOT Yes No No No Yes
Florida DOT No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Iowa DOT Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Massachusetts DOT Yes No No No Yes
Maryland DOT Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Minnesota DOT No Yes Yes Yes No
North Carolina DOT Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Oregon DOT No No No Yes No
Tennessee DOT Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Texas DOT – El Paso Yes No No No No
Texas DOT – Houston Yes No No Yes Yes
Utah DOT Yes No Yes No Yes
Washington DOT Yes No Yes No No
Wisconsin DOT Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
West Virginia DOT Yes Yes No No Yes

Data Collection and Integration Tool

L02 –Guide to Establish Monitoring Programs for Travel-Time Reliability: Guidebook, visualization tools, and methods for integrating data to analyze reliability, including causes and locations of unreliable performance and identification of potential mitigating strategies.

Analysis Tools

L07 – Reliability by Design: Spreadsheet-based analysis tool to assess how different design improvements affect reliability, delay, safety, and benefit versus cost for the lifecycle.

L08 – Incorporating Travel-Time Reliability into the Highway Capacity Manual: Highway Capacity Manual update to estimate travel-time reliability performance measures on major freeways and urban arterials.

C11 – Tools for Assessing Wider Economic Benefits of Transportation: Spreadsheet-based tools that expand economic benefits analysis of highway projects to contain network-oriented concepts, including reliability.

Decision-Making Tool

L05 – Handbook for Incorporating Reliability Performance Measures into Transportation Planning and Programming: Guide to the institutional arrangements and technical steps needed for State DOTs and metropolitan planning organizations to incorporate reliability into their decision-making.

  Last modified: February 21, 2024