Traffic Analysis Tools Program
Traffic traveling in both directions on a congested highway
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Training & Workshops

Introduction to Traffic Analysis Tools (NHI Course # 133137)


In this introductory module, you will review instructions on how to complete the course and self-identify which learning path (State and Local Agency Decision Makers, Beginner Level Analysts, Intermediate Level Analysts, or Traffic Analysis Reviewers) you should complete. This module is a prerequisite to the following courses depending on the learning path you select: 133137A, 133137B, 133137C, or 133137D. CEUs will be awarded after completing the learning path you select.

  • 133137 – Introduction to Traffic Analysis Tools
  • 133137A – Introduction to Traffic Analysis Tools: Beginner Level Analyst
  • 133137B – Introduction to Traffic Analysis Tools: Intermediate Level Analyst
  • 133137C – Introduction to Traffic Analysis Tools: Traffic Analysis Reviewer
  • 133137D – Introduction to Traffic Analysis Tools: State and Local Decision Makers

Training Format

  • Type: Web-based and self-paced training
  • Duration:
    • 133137: 10 Minutes
    • 133137A: 6 Hours
    • 133137B: 4.5 Hours
    • 133137C: 5 Hours
    • 133137D: 1.5 Hours


This training is offered by National Highway Institute.

Scoping and Conducting Data‐Driven 21st Century Transportation System Analyses


In this workshop, participants will explore integrating data-driven, time-dynamic operational analyses within transportation systems management. Key topics include:

  • Characterizing System Dynamics and
  • Data‐Driven Transportation Analysis Project Scoping
  • Preparing Data to Conduct a Transportation Analysis
  • Conducting and Documenting Transportation analyses

Training Format

  • Type: Instructor-led Interactive Workshop
  • Duration: 1-day
  • Class Size: A maximum of 40 participants is suggested for the workshop with a target optimal size between 16-28 participants.


Contact the Traffic Analysis Tools Program ( for details.

Reference Material(s)

Traffic Analysis Toolbox Volume 3 Update: Guidelines for Applying Microsimulation Workshop


In this comprehensive workshop, participants will delve into the latest transportation system guidance and acquire practical knowledge to successfully implement it. The following key topics will be covered:

  • Summarize key steps for conducting a microsimulation study.
  • Define and identify travel conditions using cluster analysis.
  • Describe steps for performing calibration using four newly identified calibration criteria.
  • Summarize steps for conducting a comprehensive alternatives analysis.

By the end of this workshop, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to conduct effective traffic simulation studies using data-driven approaches.

Training Format

  • Type: Instructor-Led Interactive Workshop
  • Duration: 1-day
  • Class Size: A maximum of 40 participants is suggested for the workshop with a target optimal size between 16-28 participants.


Contact the Traffic Analysis Tools Program ( for details.

Reference Material(s)

Foundation of Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) workshop


This workshop provides a solid grounding in the fundamentals of conducting traffic analyses using DTA techniques, knowledge of the appropriate use of DTA, and understanding the strengths and weaknesses inherent in DTA analyses.

The objectives of the workshop include providing participants with:

  • A fundamental understanding of the Dynamic User Equilibrium (DUE) concept
  • Capability to determine whether a proposed DTA analysis is needed
  • Insight on how to design and execute successful DTA analyses
  • Proven methods to predict system delay and travel time reliability impacts
  • Ability to properly align applications of DTA with transportation decision-making

Training Format

  • Type: Instructor-Led Interactive Workshop
  • Duration: 1-day
  • Class Size: A maximum of 40 participants is suggested for the workshop with a target optimal size between 16-28 participants.


Contact the Traffic Analysis Tools Program ( for details.

Reference Material(s)

  Last modified: August 22, 2024