Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

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The checklist on initial planning activities targets scenarios linked to particular planned special events that may require modifications to the traffic management plan on the day-of-event. A proactive response to such scenarios involves the development of contingency plans packaged into a scenario-based traffic management plan that provides a selection of options for a range of potential unexpected events. The figure below summarizes the types of assessments made for each of the four steps in the initial planning activities checklist:

Image names the four steps in this activity checklist and the associated assessments for each.D

Step 1. Information and Data Collection

Screenshot of Initial Planning Activities checklist, step 1.D

Step 2. Assessment of Event-oriented Risks

Screenshot of Initial Planning Activities checklist, step 2.D

Step 3. Assessment of External Factors Affecting Scope of Event

Screenshot of Initial Planning Activities checklist, step 3.D

Step 4. Contingency Planning

Screenshot of Initial Planning Activities checklist, step 4.D

Step 5. Event Operations Planning

Screenshot of Initial Planning Activities checklist, step 5.D

Step 6. Selection of Measures of Effectiveness

Screenshot of Initial Planning Activities checklist, step 6.D

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  Last modified: April 11, 2022