Long Description: Initial Planning Activities Checklist - Step 6
Step 6. Selection of Measures of Effectiveness
Assessment: Identify Internal MOEs for stakeholder evaluation
If Assessment applies:
- Determine data requirements, collection methods, and specific measures in event operations planning phase in order to collect data and log activities on the day(s)-of-event
- Select performance measures beneficial to stakeholders in helping them evaluate traffic management team activity
- Consider measures that assess the quality of activity and not just quantity
Example internal MOEs include:
- Time required to deploy and remove strategies
- No. of road/lane closures and time/duration
- Traveler information device day-of-event message log
- No. of traffic signal timing changes
- No. and type of service patrol assists
- No. of messages transmitted between personnel
Assessment: Identify External MOEs identifiable by public
If Assessment applies:
- Determine data requirements, collection methods, and specific measures in event operations planning phase in order to collect data and log activities on the day(s)-of-event
- Select performance measures clearly experienced by most spectators attending a special event and are factors most likely to be noted by the public
- Consider measures that serve as key inputs into planning for the next event occurrence
Example external MOEs include:
- Volume of traffic on facilities serving event
- Travel time and delay on highways and streets
- Average vehicle occupancy and modal split
- Parking occupancy and arrival/departure times
- No. of traffic incidents and clearance times