Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Long Description: Initial Planning Activities Checklist - Step 1

Step 1: Information and Data Collection

Assessment: Previous event occurrences

If Assessment applies:

  • Review operations strategies and resource allocations used in previous events
  • Assess event-oriented risks and external factors affecting the operation of previous events
  • Obtain information on contingency scenarios implemented in previous events
  • Evaluate successful tools, techniques, and operations strategies used in previous events for potential application
  • Gather information on traveler information


  • Consider past occurrences of the same event and like events at the same venue in addition to past occurrences of the same event in other areas
  • Documented measures of effectiveness
  • Participant (traffic management team, patron, public) debriefings and surveys
  • Minutes of post-event debriefings
  • Post-event reports

Assessment: Event operations information and travel data

If Assessment applies:

  • Obtain historical and projected data on event operation characteristics
  • Gather historical information for travel forecasting


  • Event operations characteristics include attendance, time of occurrence, time and duration, audience accommodation, and market area
  • Travel forecast data includes trip generation, modal split, vehicle occupancy, arrival rate, and parking occupancy
  • Traveler information includes static information, real time information to event and local road users.

Assessment: Stakeholder contacts

If Assessment applies:

  • Identify and engage stakeholders potentially participating in event planning and operations
  • Involve practitioners that handled previous or like event occurrences


  • Facilitate outreach early and often
  • Develop contact lists based on information provided by the stakeholders
  • Identify stakeholder point-of-contacts
  • Identify potential event operations stakeholders, community interest stakeholders, and event support stakeholders
  • Identify necessary agreements and permit requirements
  • Identify Project Manager for the event management planning

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