Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

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The checklist on feasibility study enumerates various steps and associated considerations for gauging the effect a proposed event may have on surface transportation operations in the vicinity of the venue and in the region hosting the planned special event. Practitioners may develop a feasibility study to determine if the subject planned special event will cause travel problems, where and when identified problems will occur, and the magnitude of each identified problem using various measures. The figure below summarizes the types of assessments made for each of the five steps in the feasibility study checklist:

Image names the five steps in this checklist and the associated assessments for each.D

Step 1. Travel Forecast

Screenshot of Feasibility Study checklist, step 1.D

Step 2. Market Area Analysis

Screenshot of Feasibility Study checklist, step 2.D

Step 3. Parking Demand Analysis

Screenshot of Feasibility Study checklist, step 3.D

Step 4. Traffic Demand Analysis

Screenshot of Feasibility Study checklist, step 4.D

Step 5. Roadway Capacity Analysis

Screenshot of Feasibility Study checklist, step 5.D

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  Last modified: April 11, 2022