Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

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The traffic management plan checklist indicates traffic, parking, and pedestrian management techniques to mitigate any and all anticipated problems on the day-of-event. The challenge to stakeholders involves not only developing operations strategies and resource applications to mitigate a potential congestion or safety "hot spot," but also ensuring each operations tactic does not defeat the objectives of another. Information related to the steps discussed below can be found in the Managing Travel for Planned Special Events Handbook, which can be accessed at A successful traffic management plan: (1) satisfies the customer requirements of all transportation system users and (2) meets the allotted budget for personnel and equipment resources assigned to the day-of-event operation. The figure below summarizes the types of assessments made for each of the six steps in the traffic management plan checklist:

Image names the six steps in this checklist and the associated assessments for each.D

Step 1. Traffic Flow Route Planing

Screenshot of Traffic Management Plan checklist, step 1.D

Step 2. Site Access and Parking Planning

Screenshot of Traffic Management Plan checklist, step 2.D

Step 3. Pedestrian Access Planning

Screenshot of Traffic Management Plan checklist, step 3.D

Step 4. Traffic Control Planning

Screenshot of Traffic Management Plan checklist, step 4.D

Step 5. Travel Demand Management and Transit Service Planning

Screenshot of Traffic Management Plan checklist, step 5.D

Step 6.Other Advance Planning Objectives

Screenshot of Traffic Management Plan checklist, step 6.D

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  Last modified: April 11, 2022