Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program
Photo collage: temporary lane closure, road marking installation, cone with mounted warning light, and drum separated work zones.
Office of Operations 21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Work Zone Process Review Toolbox

Periodic evaluation of work zone policies and procedures and work zone impacts aids in the process of addressing and managing the safety and mobility impacts of work zones. Process reviews help assess the effectiveness of a program and/or a set of policies and procedures. They enable the agency and respective FHWA Division Office to confirm that a problem does not exist, and to make recommendations to improve situations where shortcomings might exist.

This Work Zone Process Review Toolbox contains tools to help you conduct an effective Work Zone Process Review. The first section of the Toolbox has information to help you determine the purpose/goals and scope of a review, expected outcomes, team members, and possible data sources. This section also contains sets of potential questions that can be used to assess various work zone program areas while doing a work zone process review. The Resources section provides information on training, and includes examples and tips that share what other peers have done. The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section provides answers to some commonly-asked questions about work zone process reviews.

For general background information on process reviews, see "ABCs" of Process Reviews.

Printable Version of Process Review Toolbox (PDF 401KB)

Data Driven Work Zone Process Review Case Studies

These case studies demonstrate how state DOTs use a data-driven approach to make work zone process reviews more outcome- and performance-driven, while bringing about more of a continuum mindset to these reviews. This type of approach incorporates analysis and use of quantitative data including exposure, safety, mobility, and inspection data, as well as analysis and use of qualitative information for inclusion in reviews.

Guidance for Conducting Effective Work Zone Process

All state highway agencies receiving Federal-aid funds are required to perform work zone process reviews every two years. These reviews are an opportunity for the agency to reexamine how it is meeting federal requirements in 23 CFR 630 Subparts J and K in accomplishing work zone safety and mobility management. This document includes tips for success in work zone process reviews, effective use of data and performance measures in process reviews, and insight for connecting process reviews with other work zone safety and mobility improvement efforts.

  • Guidance for Conducting Effective Work Zone Process (HTML, PDF 773KB)

Webinar on Work Zone Process Reviews - held on October 31, 2011

  • Transcript (HTML, PDF 203KB)
  • Introduction Presentation, by Tracy Scriba, FHWA Work Zone Mobility and Safety Team (HTML, PDF 302KB)
  • Iowa Presentation, by Jerry Roche, FHWA Iowa Division and Dan Sprengeler, Iowa DOT (HTML, PDF 299KB)
  • Colorado Presentation, by Dahir Egal, FHWA Colorado Division; K.C. Matthews, Colorado DOT; and San Lee, Colorado DOT (HTML, PDF 150KB)
  • Louisiana Presentation, by Betsey Tramonte, FHWA Louisiana Division and Barry Lacy, Louisiana DOTD (HTML, PDF 340KB)

Work Zone Management Capability Maturity Framework (CMF)

Managing traffic during construction is necessary to minimize traffic delays, maintain motorist and worker safety, complete roadwork construction in a timely manner, and maintain access for businesses, institutions, and residents. This framework assesses the capability for effective work zone traffic management including assessing work zone impacts and implementing strategies for minimizing or mitigating the impacts.

Fact sheet on Data-Driven Work Zone Process Reviews

The Data-Driven Work Zone Process Reviews fact sheet provides a quick overview of Data Driven Work Zone Process Review and highlights some opportunities and noteworthy practices.

  Last modified: October 26, 2023  
Office of Operations