Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations
photos of truck, cargo ship, airplane and freight train
Office of Operations  -  21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Freight Solutions

The following list of freight solutions promote efficient, seamless, and secure freight flows. Examples are from State DOTs, MPOs, and local agencies. It was compiled by the FHWA Office of Freight Management and Operations and is not meant to be a comprehensive list.

What is your organization doing to promote efficient, seamless, and secure freight flows? Send us a description of what you are doing at

Topical Areas

Economic Development
Environmental Guidance
Freight Plans
Freight Studies
Funding & Financing
Intermodal Connectors and Truck Network
Performance Measures
Programming and Selection Criteria
Public Involvement & Outreach
Public & Private Sector Cooperation
Urban Goods Movement

Economic Development

Aligning Strategies to Maximize Impact: Case Studies on Transportation and Economic Development

Freight Transportation and Economic Development: Planning for the Panama Canal Expansion

Inland Ports: Linking Freight and Regional Economic Development

Kansas City SmartPort

The Rise of the Greek Yogurt Industry in Central New York [PDF 1.7MB]

Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Wisconsin Transportation Economic Assistance Program

Environmental Guidance

Environmental Programs at the Port of Los Angeles

North Carolina Department of Transportation
Process Improvement: Integrating Comprehensive Transportation Planning and Project Development Processes [PDF 1.1MB]

Port of Long Beach Environmental Program

Freight Plans

State Freight Plan information can be found at the following link,, by selecting the desired state.

Freight Studies

Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department
Intermodal Planning Studies

Bakersfield/Kern County MPO [PDF 5.2MB]

Port of Los Angeles Goods Movement Projects
Sacramento Area Council of Governments Regional Goods Movement Study
Southern California Association of Governments Goods Movement Action Plan

Chattanooga-Hamilton County Transportation Planning Organization
Chattanooga Regional Freight Profile [PDF 6.2MB]

Colorado Department of Transportation
State Freight and Passenger Rail Plan
Colorado Statewide Freight Roadmap

Florida Department of Transportation
Analysis of Freight Movement Mode Choice Factors [PDF 4.7MB]
Freight Mobility and Trade Plan
Regional Cooperation in Transportation Planning [PDF 2.2MB]

Georgia Department of Transportation
Statewide Truck Lanes Needs Identification Study [PDF 182KB]

Hamilton, Ontario Goods Movement Study [PDF 4.9MB]

I-10 National Freight Study [PDF 240KB]

Indiana Department of Transportation
INDOT 2030 Long Range Transportation Plan – Freight Transportation [PDF 1.25MB]
Indiana Multimodal Freight and Mobility Plan [PDF 13.1MB]
Indiana Rail Plan [PDF 5.6MB]

Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development
A Comparative Analysis of Intermodal Ship-to-Rail Connections at Louisiana Deep Water Ports [PDF 3.2MB]

Mississippi Department of Transportation
Mississippi Goods Movement and Trade Study [PDF, 5.3MB]

Ohio Department of Transportation
Freight Impacts on Ohio's Roadway System – June 2012 [PDF 12.9MB]
Intermodal Transportation System [PDF 2.33MB]
Freight Rail Choke Point Study [PDF 1.43MB]

Rhode Island Department of Transportation
Freight Planning Needs Assessment (2006) [PDF 530KB]

Virginia Department of Transportation
Virginia Statewide Multimodal Freight Study Phase 1 and Phase 2

Washington State Department of Transportation
Washington State Freight Rail Plan [PDF 896KB]

Wyoming Department of Transportation
Interstate 80 Freight Corridor Analysis [PDF 6.2MB]

Funding and Financing

Maine Department of Transportation
Industrial Rail Access Program

Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Freight Railroad Infrastructure Improvement Program

Freight Railroad Preservation Program

Intermodal Connectors and Truck Network

Minnesota Department of Transportation
Twin Cities Metro Area Freight Connectors Study [PDF 6.31MB]

Washington State Department of Transportation
Defining the Washington State Truck Intermodal Network [PDF 1.6MB]

Performance Measures in Transportation

Oregon Department of Transportation
Freight Performance Measures: Approach Analysis

Puget Sound Regional Council
Planning for Freight in the Central Puget Sound Region – Travel Model Improvements for the Congestion Management Process and Long Range Transportation Plan Update [PDF 4.2MB]

Programming and Project Selection Criteria

Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT)
INDOT 2030 Long Range Transportation Plan – Major Moves Program and Project Scoring Process [PDF 350KB]

Public Involvement & Outreach

Using Freight Advisory Committees to Help Shape the Future of Freight

Indiana Logistics

Public & Private Sector Cooperation

Oregon Department of Transportation
Oregon Freight Advisory Committee

Colorado Department of Transportation
Statewide Transportation Advisory Committee (STAC)

Urban Goods Movement

FHWA Urban Freight Case Studies

Freight Delivery Symposium
Downtown/Regional Freight Delivery Symposium - Executive Summary | Baltimore, MD [HTML, PDF 2.5MB]

New York City Department of Transportation
Integrative Freight Demand Management in the New York City Metropolitan Area [PDF 5.6MB]

Urban Freight Noteworthy Practices

  • Commercial Loading Zone Management Program: Washington, D.C. [HTML, PDF 293KB]
  • Regional Coordination for Truck Network Efficiency: New York, NY [HTML, PDF 359KB]
  • Truck Side Guard Ordinance: Boston, MA [HTML, PDF 405KB]
  Last modified: February 24, 2025  
Office of Operations