Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program
Photo collage: temporary lane closure, road marking installation, cone with mounted warning light, and drum separated work zones.
Office of Operations 21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Performance Measurement Development

traffic backed up on an interstate

Guidance, Training, and Other Tools

  • Webinar on Data Needs, Availability, and Opportunities for Work Zone Performance Measures - Held on March 19, 2013
    • Recording
    • Transcript (HTML, PDF 112KB)
    • Presentation, by Jawad Paracha (FHWA), Gerald Ullman (Texas A&M Transportation Institute), Geza Pesti (Texas A&M Transportation Institute) and Rachel Klein (Battelle) (HTML, PDF 4.4MB)
  • Resources on Work Zone Safety and Mobility Performance Monitoring and Measurement (HTML, PDF 572KB)- This is a brochure summarizing three recent guidance documents that help practitioners in identifying and using various data sources and methods for work zone performance measurement to improve work zone safety and mobility.
  • Guidance on Data Needs, Availability, and Opportunities for Work Zone Performance Measures (HTML, PDF 4.8MB)- Describes recommended set of work zone safety and mobility performance measures selected by an expert panel and provides guidance on related data needs and methods of obtaining it.
  • Guidance on Work Zone Performance Measurement using Probe Data (HTML, PDF 1.5MB) - Describes how probe data can be used for work zone performance measurement and provides related examples of several projects. A particular focus was on a recent Maryland State Highway Administration project that uses probe data sources to compute the work zone performance measures by developing a web-based dash board application.
  • Primer on Work Zone Safety and Mobility Performance Measurement (HTML, PDF 1.4MB) - Describes possible work zone performance measures and provides guidance to help agencies select and implement measures that make sense for their own work zone programs.
  • Recording and Presentations from Webinar on Establishing Effective Work Zone Performance Measures - Held on October 27, 2011 and sponsored by the National Work Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse, this webinar introduced reasons for having work zone performance measures, described a general process agencies can use to establish measures, and provided examples of how agencies can start computing measures from the data they have available or can easily collect.
  • Your Guide to Work Zone Safety and Mobility Performance Measurement (Focus, November 2011) - Article discussing work zone performance measurement and new resources.
  • Work Zone Safety Performance Measures Guidance Booklet - Introduces the concept of performance measures (PM) and data collection for work zone safety. The guide includes measure definitions, reasons for using PMs for work zone safety, a process and test for developing PMs, sample measures, how and when to measure performance and what to do with the resulting data, and real-world lessons learned.
  • Work Zone Safety Performance Measures Training Module - This self-paced presentation with speaker notes introduces the concept of performance measures and data collection for work zone safety.
  • Performance Contracting Framework - Developed by the FHWA Highways for LIFE program as a tool for agencies who want to implement performance contracting for their construction projects. It includes recommended processes and sample materials for project selection, performance goals, measurement methodology, sample enhanced low bid and best value awards, and SEP-14 applications.
  • Guide to Effective Freeway Performance Measurement: Final Report and Guidebook (PDF 6.3MB) - NCHRP report summarizing the results of research on the effective use of freeway performance measures in operating the freeway and in meeting the information needs of a large spectrum of potential local, regional, and national users.
  • FHWA Operations Performance Measurement Program - Information on fundamentals about performance measures and how to develop and monitor good measures for transportation operations.
  • Guide to Benchmarking Operations Performance Measures (NCHRP 20-07/Task 202) - Procedures for benchmarking performance measures for systems operations and management based on a pilot test with State DOTs, MPOs, local government agencies, academia, and industry. Participating organizations contributed sample data, reports, and lessons learned from implementing the performance measures.
  • The National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS) and Application for Work Zone Performance Measurement (HTML, PDF 514KB) - This fact sheet provides a quick overview of how National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPRMDS) can be used to manage work zone mobility performance.


  • Work Zone Performance Measures Pilot Test (HTML, PDF 2.6MB) - Results of a pilot test to assist State DOTs and others in identifying appropriate work zone performance measures, what data are needed for the measures, and how to obtain the data. Based on experiences at five work zones in four States.
  • A Snapshot of Summer 2001 Work Zone Activity (HTML, PDF 527KB) - FHWA sponsored study to explore the use of data collected from 789 work zones posted on 13 state road closure and construction web sites during a two-week snapshot of the peak summer roadwork season in 2001 to estimate national-level work zone statistics.
  • AASHTO/FHWA Domestic Scan on Work Zone Assessment, Data Collection, and Performance Measurement (NCHRP 08-04) - Results of March 2010 scan looking at how 14 State agencies are planning for, monitoring, and managing work zone performance.
    • Final Report (PDF 3.8MB) - Provides detailed information about what was learned during the scan, key findings and recommendations, and an implementation strategy.
    • Summary Report (HTML, PDF 66KB) - Summarizes the scan findings, recommendations based on the findings, and potential ways to disseminate the scan results.
    • Brochure - Shares information on practices found during the scan and provides the key findings, challenges, and recommendations from the scan.
    • Webinar recording - Provides an overview of the findings and recommendations from the scan as well a presentation on some of the Ohio Department of Transportation's practices that were encountered during the scan.