Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program
Photo collage: temporary lane closure, road marking installation, cone with mounted warning light, and drum separated work zones.
Office of Operations 21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies


Work zones are a necessary part of the life cycle of our roads and streets. They are characterized by traffic pattern changes, narrowed rights-of-way, the presence of construction workers, and work vehicles frequently entering and leaving construction areas. The key function of work zones is to separate active construction from traffic, so there is a safe area for workers and traffic has a safe route around the work activity.

The FHWA Work Zone Management program develops and deploys solutions and strategies that enable agencies to incrementally and continuously improve work zone management to minimize traffic delays and maintain the safety of all road users (motorists, bicyclists, pedestrians) and workers. This is achieved through a combination of applied research, knowledge and technology transfer, stakeholder engagement, and performance management.

Why Are We Concerned?

While work zones play a critical role in maintaining and upgrading our roads, they can also be a major cause of congestion, delay, and traveler dissatisfaction. Crashes in and near work zones impact everyone.

Identification of National Work Zone Safety Objectives and Activities: Summary Report

What Is Our Mission?

The Work Zone Management Program's mission is to mitigate the safety and mobility impacts of work zones. We are working to improve work zones every day, in every way.

Contact Us

The Work Zone Management Program resides in the FHWA Headquarters Office of Operations.

David Johnson, Team Leader, Road Weather and Work Zone Management Team
(202) 366-1301

Martha Kapitanov, Transportation Specialist
Specialties: Work Zone Safety/Large Truck Safety
(202) 695-0736

Jawad Paracha, Work Zone Program Manager
Specialties: Smarter Work Zones/Work Zone Regulation
(202) 366-4628

Todd Peterson, P.E., PTOE - Transportation Specialist
Specialties: ITS, Work Zone Data, Analytics
(202) 366-1988

For general inquiries, comments, or suggestions, please email us at

Work Zone Management Program Newsletter

Published every quarter, this newsletter provides information on latest work zone-related activities, recent and upcoming events, trainings, publications, and other resources.

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  Last modified: February 19, 2025