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Photo collage: temporary lane closure, road marking installation, cone with mounted warning light, and drum separated work zones.
Office of Operations 21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Priced Vehicle Sharing and Dynamic Ridesharing

Priced vehicle sharing involves the provision of vehicles, typically by a commercial vendor, for use by members in exchange for an hourly or daily charge. The periodic rates for use can vary in response to demand or be fixed. Customers have the advantage of utilizing the vehicle only when needed and can avoid owning a car or reduce the number of cars in a family. Dynamic ridesharing involves matching of drivers and riders without preplanning of a car pool. The ride matching process can be conducted in real–time aided by smart phone technology or can occur at pre-designated pick-up locations. Priced dynamic ridesharing adds the element of cost sharing.

Priced Vehicle Sharing and Dynamic Ridesharing Examples

  • Virginia: Northern Virginia Real-time Ridesharing Pilot Project - The Northern Virginia (VA) Regional Commission is administering a Real-time Ridesharing Pilot along the I-95/395/495 corridor from Fredericksburg, VA to Washington, D.C. There are 200,000 cars along the corridor with an estimated 85,000 being military, civilian, or defense contractors with an 85 percent rate driving single occupancy vehicles. The project goal is to provide military commuters with a new, innovative transportation option that will help to bring relief from traffic congestion while reducing the number of cars on the road and at the gates. This will allow commuters to save time, gas money, wear & tear on their vehicles, and commute with others in their community going the same way.
  • Additional Priced Vehicle Sharing and Dynamic Ridesharing Examples
Office of Operations