Office of Operations Freight Management and Operations
photos of truck, cargo ship, airplane and freight train
Office of Operations  -  21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Freight Mobility Trends Instructions

Instructions on using the Freight Mobility Trends (FMT) interactive visualizations:

  • Click the Nation, Bottleneck, or Route icons at the top of each view to switch between visualizations.
  • Click or hover anywhere on a map or table to view detail about freight performance for a specified mobility indicator.
  • Clicking a State will zoom into that State's view and display either urban area statistics or that State's freight bottlenecks.
  • Use the date slider and "Annual/Quarter" radial buttons at the top to adjust the displayed time frame. The "Annual" button must be selected to view annualized information.
  • Use the "Area" and "Functional Class" drop-down menus to filter between urban and rural areas, or by functional roadway classification.
  • Use the "Rank by Mobility Indicator" drop-down menu to re-rank bottlenecks or States by a specific performance indicator. Further refine bottlenecks by using the "Time of Day" and "Direction" drop-down menus to adjust how the measures are calculated or filtered.
  • Download or print data from any particular view by clicking in empty space on a specific table or map and selecting "Download" from the bottom of the visualization. Select the desired action from the menu that appears.

The Freight Mobility Trends (FMT) measures freight mobility using the following indicators:

  • Truck hours of delay per mile captures the degree of congestion weighted by the magnitude of truck volume.
  • Travel Time Index (TTI) compares peak period mean travel time to free flow travel time.
  • Planning Time Index (PTI) compares 95th percentile travel time to free flow travel time.
  • Truck Reliability Index (TRI) compares 95th percentile travel time to 50th percentile travel time for specific times of the day.
  • Buffer Index (BI) provides the extra time as a percentage that drivers must add to an average trip to be on time 95 percent of them time.
  • Congestion Cost quantifies cost of wasted fuel and delay.
  • FAF values calculate commodity value along the congested corridor by roadway functional classification.

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Staff Contacts

Jaesup Lee

Office of Operations