Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program
Photo collage: temporary lane closure, road marking installation, cone with mounted warning light, and drum separated work zones.
Office of Operations 21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Work Zone Safety Program/National Work Zone Awareness Week Video Transcript

It's not a great day for the three who are going to be killed going through work zones today. And I saw just the bottom of the truck coming at me, and parts started flying and hitting me, and I just hit the ground. With the return of spring's warm weather, orange signs, vests, and cones are in full bloom across America's highways, as the construction season ramps up. More construction means more work zones, and a heightened emphasis on work zone safety. In 2005, more than 1000 people lost their lives in highway work zones across America. Roughly one fatality every eight hours. No one is completely safe in a work zone. Both motorists and highway workers are at risk. 80 percent of work zone fatalities are motorists. The Federal Highway Administration is working to reduce fatalities and injuries in work zones. Our national work zone safety program combines a smorgasbord of engineering, education, and enforcement options for making work zones work better. In conjunction with the program, the Federal Highway Administration held an event to kick off this year's National Work Zone Awareness Week. At the event, Administrator Capka talked about the importance of work zone safety. Keep up with the flow of traffic, and most importantly, stay informed. Know where the work zones are and plan your trip accordingly. Safe highways depend on all of us. Let's keep working together to save lives. And let's keep working to ensure that it's a great day for everyone who uses our highways every day.

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  Last modified: October 6, 2022