Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Freight and Land Use Travel Demand Evaluation: Final Report

Section 3: Topics

This section presents a summary of freight planning topics relevant to land use and demographic considerations. The overall purpose of this summary is to: 1) highlight best practices and tools for analyzing freight demand at a range of scales from statewide or regional modeling to local transportation analysis; and 2) document best practices and tools for understanding how land use, local economic development, and demographic factors drive freight movement and trip generation.

Five topics are covered, each of which corresponds to key gaps identified in the literature review:

  • Topic A: Integration of Land Use and Freight Planning
  • Topic B: Last-mile Considerations
  • Topic C: Modeling Framework
  • Topic D: Public and Private Data Sources
  • Topic O: Other Topics: Elements that were not necessarily integral to the four key gaps identified in the literature review, but rather reflected new materials and practices that were ready for adoption

Matrices were used as discussion tools during the expert working session to suggest materials that are ready for widespread practice. The matrices also identified key areas where expert discussion was needed to generate consensus on industry challenges, or where additional coordination is desired to develop guidance on practices that are ready for adoption. See Appendix B for the complete topic matrices.

Office of Operations