Applying Archived Operations Data in Transportation Planning: A Primer
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Contact Information: Operations Feedback at

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
December 2016
Table of Contents
[ Notice and Quality Assurance Statement ] [ Technical Report Documentation Page ] [ SI Modern Metric Conversion Factors ] [ Acronyms ]
List of Figures
Map. New Jersey Department of Transportation management system integration of candidate project areas |
Diagram. Flow chart of performance-based planning and programming |
Graphic. Timeline displaying time taken for each activity during the incident |
Diagram. Components of an effective archived operations data archive |
Photo. Technician |
Map. Outline of New York State |
Map. Outline of Arizona |
Map. Outline of Maryland |
Map. Outline of Oregon |
Photo. Interstate highway shield for I-95 |
Diagram. Incident data model for performance monitoring |
Photo. Incident clearance |
Diagram. Work zone data for planning applications |
Photo. Traffic signal |
Image. An illustration of interconnected infrastructure |
Diagram. Computing facility travel times from intelligent transportation system roadway detectors |
Diagram. Operations data archives built in-house or hosted by a third party |
Photo. Congestion on freeway |
Screenshot. Ranked bottleneck locations for all of New Jersey during March 2014 |
Chart. Time spiral showing when a bottleneck occurred and length during that time |
Graph. Congestion scan graphic for I-95 |
Screenshot. User delay costs for a 17-mile stretch of I-295 in New Jersey (both directions of travel) |
Screenshot. View of I-295 showing detailed statistics in a mouse tooltip for a particular hour of the day |
Screenshot. Project confirmation presentation graphic to confirm a "high-need" signalized intersection in New Jersey |
Screenshot. Example of problem identification and project confirmation at New Jersey Department of Transportation |
Screenshot. Example analysis from New Jersey Department of Transportation using the Vehicle Probe Project Suite, 511 New Jersey cameras, and the New Jersey Consortium for Middle Schools |
Screenshot. Concept graphics explaining where high accident locations contribute to bottlenecks |
Diagram. Performance measures provide a quantifiable means of implementing goals and objectives from the transportation planning process |
Diagram. Performance measures should be carried across planning applications throughout the entire time horizon |
Diagram. Program logic model adapted for incident management |
Graph. Travel time distribution is the basis for defining reliability metrics |
Graph. Mean travel times under rain, crash, or non-crash traffic incident conditions for I-5 southbound, North Seattle Corridor, Tuesdays through Thursdays, 2006 |
Graph. Reliability trends reported by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments |
Charts. Incident timeline trends reported by the Georgia Department of Transportation for the Atlanta region |
Screenshot. Heat map of congestion on a corridor using the Performance Measurement System |
Image. Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission's outreach document is based on archived data |
Image. Inside view of Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission's outreach document |
Graph. Plot of speed and vehicles per hour per lane on I-4 at Kaley Avenue, westbound |
Graph. Plot of speed and vehicles per hour per lane on I-4 at Michigan Avenue, westbound |
Graph. Plot of speed and vehicles per hour per lane on I-4 at Wynmore, eastbound |
Graph. Plot of speed and vehicles per hour per lane on I-4 at Wynmore, westbound |
Graph. Plot of speed and vehicles per hour per lane on I-4 east of Wynmore, eastbound |
Graph. Plot of speed and vehicles per hour per lane on I-4 east of Wynmore, westbound |
Graph. Speed contours from archived intelligent transportation system detector data are useful for identifying bottleneck locations |
Graph. Hypothetical before and after case: mean travel time index and vehicle-miles of travel |
Graph. Hypothetical before and after case: planning time index and vehicle miles of travel |
Map. The Port of Miami tunnel project |
Map. Truck flow and speed impacts of the Port of Miami tunnel project |
Screenshot. The bottleneck ranking tool |
Screenshot. Congestion time spiral graphic with incidents and events overlaid |
Screenshot. Congestion scan graphic of outlier congestion showing both north- and southbound traffic on I-270 |
Screenshot. Congestion scan graphic including Saturdays |
Screenshot. Heat maps function within incidents clustering explorer |
Screenshot. Correlation of coefficients ranking function in incidents clustering explorer |
Graph. Plot of travel time by hour of day for I-66, created via Regional Integrated Transportation Information Systems Vehicle Probe Project Suite |
Screenshot. Historical dates and times to visualize weather and incident details during that date and time |
Screenshot. The road weather information systems history explorer |
Screenshot. Visual representation of the cost of delay for both passenger and commercial vehicles |
Screenshot. An interactive animated map showing conditions during a winter weather event (left) compared to conditions during normal days of the week (right) |
List of Tables