A Freight Advisory Committee (FAC) with diverse membership and responsibilities can help enhance your plan’s strategies and investments. Use this page to identify strategies for keeping your FAC involved in your freight program from planning through implementation.
A Freight Advisory Committee (FAC) with diverse membership and responsibilities can help enhance your plan’s strategies and investments. Use this page to identify strategies for keeping your FAC involved in your freight program from planning through implementation.
Peer Examples of Empowering Advisory Committees
The Texas Department of Transportation’s (TxDOT) commitment to its Freight Advisory Committee has resulted in engaged stakeholders that inform and support all aspects of its freight program. Texas Administrative Code, Title 43 established the Texas Freight Advisory Committee (TxFAC) in 2013 and provides members with clear expectations of their role in the program. Members from both the public and private sectors are identified by the Texas Administration and appointed by the Texas Transportation Commission. Freight planners at TxDOT work closely with the FAC giving them an important role in ensuring that freight transportation needs are addressed in TxDOT’s transportation planning, programming, investments, and implementation processes. The TxFAC provides freight planners with an on-the-ground understanding of local and regional issues for freight studies and promotes the sharing of information between the private and public sectors on freight issues.
The importance of the TxFAC is highlighted by TxDOT leadership and staff who are actively engaged with their efforts. Knowing that their work is valued elevates the significance of the FAC and encourages members to attend and participate in the regularly scheduled meetings. Agendas are posted online and include relevant presentations and discussion opportunities as well as an overview of ongoing freight planning activities. A summary of the proceedings and copies of the presentations are also posted online.
Takeaways for other agencies:
- Define purpose and operating procedures for the FAC to provide members with clear expectations of their role in the program; ensure that membership represents a cross section of both public and private sector stakeholders.
- Provide FAC members with meaningful work that allows them to have ownership in the program.
- Encourage leadership to be engaged in the FAC’s work to elevate the importance of its role in the freight program.
Read more about TxFAC: https://www.txdot.gov/government/partnerships/freight-planning/texas-freight-advisory-committee.html
Tools for Empowering Advisory Committees
EPA SmartWay Program Strategies for Carrier Emissions Empowerment
SmartWay develops strategies State DOTs can use to encourage locally-based carrier fleets to improve their efficiency. Members of FACs may help to advertise these strategies and serve as lead implementers.
Access the ToolAdditional Resources
Integrating Freight Considerations into the Highway Capacity
Freight Data Sharing Guidebook
Freight Demand Modeling and Data Improvement Handbook
USDOT Guidance on State Freight Plans and State Freight Advisory Committees (2016)
FHWA Guidebook for Engaging the Private Sector in Freight Transportation Planning (2009)
Federal Highway Administration
Staff Contact
Tiffany Julien, Transportation Specialist
FHWA Office of Freight Management and Operations
(202) 366-9241