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Photo collage: temporary lane closure, road marking installation, cone with mounted warning light, and drum separated work zones.
Office of Operations 21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

WASHINGTON: Variable Priced Tolls on SR 520 in Seattle

SR 520, a major access freeway into downtown Seattle from the East and from Seattle to eastside employment locations, experiences serious congestion between I-5 and I-405. The floating bridge carries twice as much traffic than it was originally designed to carry. While originally there was a toll to cross the bridge, it was eliminated many years ago. To address congestion, and the 40 percent of throughput capacity that the region claims was lost on SR 520, King County, Puget Sound Regional Council, and Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) decided to introduce tolling on SR 520. The toll rates were set on the facility based upon demand to avoid the buildup of congestion and the loss of roadway capacity when it was most needed. Toll rates are now on a fixed schedule and revenues from tolling were used to help finance the new bridge. The project has deployed an all-electronic toll collection system, allowing tolls to be collected at freeway speeds. Tolls were being collected using transponders, with supplemental automatic cameras reading license plates for vehicles without transponders.

Implementation Funds Awarded


Project Status

Replacement Bridge Now Open to Traffic

April – June 2018 Update

The replacement bridge has been operational for over two years, allowing for the complete closure and removal of the original bridge. WSDOT continues to monitor traffic and revenue closely. In contrast to previous years, the toll rate did not increase on July 1, 2018.

For More Information Contact

Tyler Patterson
Project Manager
Washington State DOT
Phone: (206) 716-1134

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  Last modified: February 11, 2022  
Office of Operations