Zone-Based Pricing
Zone-based pricing, including cordon and area pricing, involves either variable or fixed charges to drive within or into a congested area within a city. Since this type of project involves placing new tolls on multiple existing free roads, it is politically more challenging to implement than the other types of projects. Although this type of project has been implemented abroad in London, Stockholm, and Singapore, there are currently no operating examples in the U.S. A proposal for cordon pricing in New York City was approved by its City Council, but failed to get approval from the State legislature. Feasibility studies are underway in San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Zone-Based Pricing Examples
- California: Cordon/Area Charging in Los Angeles and Build-Out of Express Lanes in Southern California - The Express Travel Choices (Phase II) study examines the potential of implementing a cordon/area-wide pricing pilot in major activity centers within the Los Angeles area in conjunction with build-out of the planned managed network of express/HOT lanes across Southern California. The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), and the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) will develop a concept of operations and conduct pre-implementation work necessary for deployment by 2015-2016. This study is designed to integrate pricing into a comprehensive approach to congestion management—developing a concept of operations for the Southern California region.
- Additional Zone-Based Pricing Examples