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Photo collage: temporary lane closure, road marking installation, cone with mounted warning light, and drum separated work zones.
Office of Operations 21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Express Toll Lanes (Partial Facility Pricing)

Express Toll Lanes involve the pricing of new and/or existing highway lanes, generally in conjunction with highway expansion.  The new capacity may be in the form of a new through lane or lanes, a bypass lane(s) around a congested point, or a new bridge or tunnel. Users must pay a toll to gain access to the new capacity, but preference (e.g., free or reduced-toll access) may be provided for high-occupancy vehicles. As with other pricing projects, electronic tolling is needed to ensure the effectiveness of time-of-day tolling. Express lane projects may obtain Federal authority to toll under the Express Lanes Demonstration Program authorized by SAFETEA-LU section 1604(b).

  • Florida: Priced Managed Lanes in Miami-Fort Lauderdale Region - The 95 Express project is using a phased approach to convert a single HOV lane in each direction into dual express lanes on 21 miles of I-95 from Fort Lauderdale to downtown Miami. Since its opening, the 95 Express facility has had a dramatic, positive effect on travel in South Florida. Before 95 Express, the general lanes and the High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes were operating below 20 MPH during rush hour periods. With the opening of the express lanes, drivers are experiencing improved speeds above 40 MPH in the general lanes and 50 MPH in the express lanes in the northbound and southbound directions during rush hour periods.
  • Additional Express Toll Lane Examples
  Last modified: February 11, 2022  
Office of Operations