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Photo collage: temporary lane closure, road marking installation, cone with mounted warning light, and drum separated work zones.
Office of Operations 21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Los Angeles Congestion Reduction Demonstration National Evaluation

The national evaluation of the Los Angeles County CRD projects focuses on the 11 of 12 analysis areas outlined in the National Evaluation Framework (NEF) [PDF 781KB]: congestion, tolling, transit, travel demand management, technology, safety, equity, environmental, business impact, non-technical success factors, and cost-benefit. Analyses describe the evaluation questions and hypotheses to be investigated, which in turn are supported by a series of "test plans." Test plans are the evaluation planning documents that describe how specific data will be collected and processed to yield the evaluation measures of effectiveness required for the 11 analysis areas. Whereas evaluation analyses are categorized according to related evaluation questions or types of impacts, for example all equity-related impacts are addressed in the equity analysis, test plans are categorized according to common data types or sources. For example, the "Traffic System Data Test Plan" collects and processes all of the traffic data required for the national evaluation. Most test plans collect data and provide measures of effectiveness that will be used in multiple analyses and most analyses rely upon data and measures developed through several different test plans.

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  Last modified: February 11, 2022  
Office of Operations