What is Our Mission?
Our Partners:
Federal Agencies: FHWA collaborates with other federal agencies to ensure representation of work zone management concerns in the development of broader national initiatives.
State, Tribal and Local Transportation Agencies: FHWA provides tailored resource materials, guidance, and technical support to aid in the enhancement of work zone strategies and tactics within agency jurisdictions.
Transportation Associations: FHWA engages leadership of professional organizations as a mechanism to streamline our outreach to stakeholder groups.
Academia: FHWA leverages the knowledge and resources of learning and research institutions to inform and advance ongoing development of improved guidance and best practices.
Industry/Private Sector: FHWA works with industry partners towards mutual understanding of work zone management best practices, informing market-driven development of effective solutions.
The Work Zone Management Program’s mission is to mitigate the safety and mobility impacts of work zones. We are working to improve work zones every day, in every way. We do this by providing a comprehensive set of resources for practitioners in the following areas:
- Smarter Work Zones. FHWA resources help agencies better design, plan, coordinate and operate work zones through project coordination strategies and technology applications. The Smarter Work Zones effort includes the use of a wide range of innovative technologies and strategies that will result in safe and operationally efficient work zones.
- Work Zone Data. FHWA is spearheading efforts to establish a standard approach for collecting, organizing, and sharing work zone data across jurisdictional and organizational boundaries through the Work Zone Data Initiative.
- Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety. FHWA is partnering with safety stakeholders to conduct a multiyear campaign to improve commercial motor vehicle safety, such as large truck safety, in work zones.
- Work Zone Safety Grants. FHWA provides funding to nonprofit and not-for-profit organizations to develop safety-related guidelines and training courses for field workers and practitioners.