Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program
Photo collage: temporary lane closure, road marking installation, cone with mounted warning light, and drum separated work zones.
Office of Operations 21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Best Practices Training Module

hand-held stop sign next to highway construction worker's safety jacket

FHWA has developed a national training module regarding the use of best practices in "Making Work Zones Work Better." This module is particularly designed to introduce the Work Zone Best Practices Guidebook to practitioners in the transportation community, to instruct them in how to use this tool, and to encourage practitioners to put it to use. Download Training Module (PPT, 903K).

A few key aspects of the training module:

Target audience: Practitioners in transportation planning, operations, transportation engineering, construction, design, and traffic control (all phases of providing our transportation network). Those serving on steering committees or advisory panels for transportation projects. These practitioners may be part of state DOTs, associations such as ATSSA, FHWA, or other organizations.

Timing: This module is designed to take about 1-1/2 hours to deliver. The module can be lengthened with the use of more detailed examples, as well as more interactive discussion.

Tailoring the module: This is a national training module and as such the information provided is applicable across the nation. If you are presenting this to an audience with a particular interest or perspective, you many want to tailor it to your audience by adding some slides and graphics that relate to your particular audience.

Handouts: There are some handouts associated with the training module. These are listed at the front of the module. Many of these items are available for download from the Best Practices Guidebook. For further assistance with the training module and handout materials, please contact Tracy Scriba at (202) 366-0855 or

To view PPT files, you need the Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer.