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U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Office of Operations 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20590
March 2023
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Executive Summary
Chapter 1. Introduction
Purpose of this Primer What Is Operation Performance Measures And Management?
Purpose of this Primer
What Is Operation Performance Measures And Management?
Chapter 2. Relationship of Operations Performance measures and Management to Transportation Performance Management and Performance Based Planning and Programming
Introduction Why Undertake Transportation Performance Management? Relationship to Performance-Based Planning and Programming Correlation to Planning For Operations
Why Undertake Transportation Performance Management?
Relationship to Performance-Based Planning and Programming
Correlation to Planning For Operations
Chapter 3. Operations Performance Management: Major Functions
Overview Performance/Measurement Performance Monitoring Reporting Project/Strategy Evaluation Operate
Performance Monitoring
Project/Strategy Evaluation
Chapter 4. Operations Performance Measures and Management in Decisionmaking
How Operations Performance Measures and Management Enhances Transportation Systems Management and Operations Planning and Programming Decisions Integrating Operations Performance Measures and Management Into Agency Processes
How Operations Performance Measures and Management Enhances Transportation Systems Management and Operations Planning and Programming Decisions
Integrating Operations Performance Measures and Management Into Agency Processes
Chapter 5. Assessing Your Progress in Conducting Operations Performance Management
Primer Summary Operations Performance Measures and Management Capability Maturity Framework Using the Operations Performance Measures and Management Capability Maturity Frameworks to Guide the Adoption of Operations Performance Measures and Management
Primer Summary
Operations Performance Measures and Management Capability Maturity Framework
Using the Operations Performance Measures and Management Capability Maturity Frameworks to Guide the Adoption of Operations Performance Measures and Management
Figure 1. Flow chart. General features of operations performance measures and management.
Figure 2. Diagram. Operations performance measures and management and the strategic planning process.
Figure 3. Flow chart. Influencing factors for congestion.
Figure 4. Flow chart. Relationship between external factors and operations performance measures and management.
Figure 5. Chart. Travel time reliability trends on Florida freeways.
Figure 6. Screenshot. Depiction of congestion in time and space.
Figure 7a. Chart. Reliability characteristics: I-75 Northbound I-85 Roswell Road, Atlanta.
Figure 7b. Chart. Sources of Congestion: I-75 Northbound I-85 Roswell Road, Atlanta.
Figure 8. Screenshot. Presentation of travel time measures in on a facility.
Figure 9. Line graph. Example time plot of travel time index on test and control sites.
Figure 10. Flow chart. Before/after evaluation methodology using controls for exogenous factors.
Figure 11. Diagram. Program logic model applied to traffic incident management.
Table 1. Changes in performance on selected Atlanta, Georgia freeways, 2006 to 2008.
Table 2a. Time sliceāPM peak period (4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.).
Table 2b. Incident analysis.
Table 3. Operations Performance Measures and Management capability maturity framework.
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