Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Integrating Travel Time Reliability into Transportation System Management: Final Technical Memorandum


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12. Derived from the San Diego Association of Governments 2050 Regional Transportation Plan, 2011. Available at

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14. FHWA and AASHTO. 2016. "SHRP2 Round 7 Implementation Assistance Program Webinar." Available at, last accessed March 11, 2019.

15. FHWA. 2014. Applying Archived Operations Data in Transportation Planning – A Primer, FHWA-HOP-14-034, Washington, DC. Available at

16. FHWA. 2015. Advancing Transportation Systems Management and Operations through Scenario Planning, FHWA-HOP-16-016, Washington, DC. Available at, last accessed March 11, 2019.

17. FHWA. 2015. Incorporating Travel-Time Reliability into the Congestion Management Process (CMP): A Primer, FHWA-HOP-14-034, Washington, DC. Available at, last accessed March 11, 2019. Also, associated workshop slides provided by Jim Hunt, FHWA Office of Operations.

18. FHWA. 2016. The Use of Data in Planning for Operations: State-of-the-Practice Review, FHWA-HRT-15-071, Washington, DC. Available at, last accessed March 11, 2019.

19. FHWA. 2017. Final Rule. "National Performance Management Measures; Assessing Performance of the National Highway System, Freight Movement on the Interstate System, and Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program." Federal Register 82, No. 11 January 18, 2017): 5970-6050. Available at, last accessed March 11, 2019.

20. FHWA. 2018. "Case Examples of Integrating Reliability into Planning for Operations," unpublished internal report.

21. FHWA. 2019. Setting Operations Objectives, Washington, DC. Available at, last accessed February 15, 2019.

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23. FHWA. Performance-Based Planning, Metro Portland Case Study, Washington, DC. Available at, last accessed March 11, 2019.

24. Florida Department of Transportation. 2016. Planning for Travel Time Reliability Guide, Tallahassee, FL. Available at, last accessed March 31, 2019.

25. Florida Department of Transportation. 2017. Long Range Program Plan for Fiscal Years 2018-2019 through 2022-2023, Tallahassee, FL. Available at, last accessed February 15, 2019.

26. Genesee Transportation Council. 2016. Long-Range Transportation Plan for the Genesee Finger-Lakes Region 2040. Available at, last accessed March 11, 2019.

27. Hadi, M. et al. 2015. SHRP2 Reliability Project L38C: Pilot Testing of SHRP 2 Reliability Data and Analytical Products: Florida, Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board. Available at, last accessed March 11, 2019.

28. Illinois Department of Transportation. 2012. Illinois State Transportation Plan: Transforming Transportation for Tomorrow. Available at, last accessed February 15, 2019.

29. Iowa Department of Transportation, "Interstate 80 Planning Study Automated and Connected Vehicles," presented to the 97th Annual Meeting if the Transportation Research Board, January 7–11, 2018.

30. Iowa Department of Transportation. 2016. TSMO Program Plan, Des Moines, IA. Available at, last accessed February 15, 2019.

31. Maricopa Association of Governments. 2017. 2040 Regional Transportation Plan. Available at, last accessed February 15, 2019.

32. Maryland Department of Transportation. 2016. Maryland Transportation Systems Management and Operations Strategic Implementation Plan, Baltimore, MD. Available at, last accessed March 11, 2019.

33. Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. 2016. Congestion Management Process Technical Report. Available at, last accessed February 15, 2019.

34. Michigan Department of Transportation. 2016. MI Transportation Plan – Moving Michigan Forward – 2040 State Long-Range Transportation Plan, Lansing, MI. Available at, last accessed February 15, 2019.

35. Minnesota Department of Transportation and SRF Consulting, "Congestion Management Safety Plan Phase 4," presented to the 97th Annual Meeting if the Transportation Research Board, January 7–11, 2018.

36. Missouri Department of Transportation. 2018. Tracker: Measures of Departmental Performance. Available at, last accessed March 31, 2019.

37. Missouri Department of Transportation. n.d. MoDOT Engineering Policy Guide, "616.13 Work Zone Capacity, Queue and Travel Delay." Available at, last accessed March 11, 2019.

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39. New York City Department of Transportation. 2016. Strategic ITS Deployment Plan for New York City, New York, NY. Available at, last accessed February 15, 2019.

40. Oregon Department of Transportation. 2016. State of the System Performance Management. Available at, last accessed February 15, 2019.

41. Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. 2016. Long Range Transportation Plan Executive Summary, Harrisburg, PA. Available at, last accessed February 15, 2019.

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46. Rhode Island Division of Planning. 2016. EconWorks Wider Economic Benefits Tools Implementation Assistance Final Report.

47. Sobolewski, M., T. Polum, P. Morris, R. Loos, and K. Anderson. 2015. SHRP2 L38B Pilot Testing of SHRP2 Reliability Data and Analytical Products: Minnesota, Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board. Available at, last accessed March 31, 2019.

48. South Dakota Department of Transportation. 2016. SDDOT Transportation Systems Management and Operations Program Plan, Pierre, SD. Available at, last accessed February 15, 2019.

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51. SHRP 2. 2013. FREEVAL-RL Computational Engine (L08), Washington, DC. Available at, last accessed April 5, 2019.

52. Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP 2). 2013. Report S2-L05-RR-2: Guide to Incorporating Reliability Performance Measures into the Transportation Planning and Programming Processes, Washington, DC. Available at, last accessed April 5, 2019.

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54. SHRP 2. 2013. SHRP 2 C11 - Tools for Assessing Wider Economic Benefits, Washington, DC. Available at, last accessed April 5, 2019.

55. SHRP 2. 2014. Report S2-L02-RR-2: Guide to Establishing Monitoring Programs for Travel Time Reliability, Washington, DC. Available at, last access April 5, 2019.

56. SHRP 2. 2014. Evaluation of Cost-Effectiveness of Highway Design Features Tool (L07), Washington, DC. Available at, last accessed April 5, 2019.

57. Texas Department of Transportation. 2018. Statewide TSMO Strategic Plan. Available at, last accessed April 6, 2019.

58. Transportation Research Board, NCHRP 03-128: Business Intelligence Techniques for Transportation Agency Decision Making, Problem Statement on TSMO Business Intelligence and DSS/RFP, 2018. Available at, last accessed March 11, 2019.

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60. U.S. Department of Transportation. 2010. Concept of Operations: Dallas Integrated Corridor Management (ICM) Demonstration Project. Available at, last accessed February 15, 2019.

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62. Williges, C. et al. 2015. SHRP2 Reliability Project L38A: Pilot Testing of SHRP2 Reliability Data and Analytical Products: Southern California, Washington, DC: Transportation Research Board. Available at, last accessed March 11, 2019.

63. Wisconsin Department of Transportation. 2015. WisDOT Benefit-Cost Analysis Evaluation and Update – Technical Documentation Report.

  Last modified: April 13, 2020  
Office of Operations