Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

2017 Road Weather Management Performance Measures Update

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United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590


October 2017


Table of Contents

[ Notice and Quality Assurance Statement ] [ Technical Report Documentation Page ] [ List of Acronyms ]

Executive Summary
Chapter 1. Introduction
Objectives of Report
Road Weather Management Program Goals, Objectives, and Key Products
Organization of Report
Chapter 2. Road Weather Management Impacts Assessment
Performance Findings
Chapter 3. Application of Road Weather Management Tools and Technologies
Performance Findings
Chapter 4. Road Weather Management Capacity Building
Performance Findings
Chapter 5. Partnerships and Stakeholder Collaboration
Performance Findings
Chapter 6. Recommendations and Conclusions
Appendix A. State Department of Transportation Survey Summary
Appendix B. Findings by Measure

List of Figures

Figure 1. Map. State department of transportation survey respondents
Figure 2. Chart. Percentage of agencies that collect and report road weather performance measures
Figure 3. Chart. Performance measure 4 – percentage of agencies surveyed with a process for evaluating the return on investment or net benefit of their road weather management investments
Figure 4. Graph. National expenditures for snow and ice removal, 2001-2013
Figure 5. Graph. Nationwide salt usage, 2006-2014
Figure 6. Graph. Fatal crash rates per thousand licensed drivers, 2001-2014
Figure 7. Graph. Fatal crash rates per billion vehicle miles traveled, 2001-2015
Figure 8. Chart. Percentage of States that subscribe to weather and road weather products and services
Figure 9. Chart. Change in the number of State departments of transportation collecting data from maintenance vehicles and percentage of applicable fleets from which data are collected (from 2015 survey)
Figure 10. Chart. Use of environmental sensor stations among State departments of transportation
Figure 11. Chart. Performance Measure 14 – survey responses on the use of vehicle-to-infrastructure or infrastructure-to-vehicle connectivity
Figure 12. Chart. Performance Measure 19 – percentage of State departments of transportation indicating use or non-use of Maintenance Decision Support Systems
Figure 13. Chart. Performance Measure 20 – percentage of State departments of transportation using weather-related decision support tools for road weather management
Figure 14. Chart. Performance Measure 21 – percent of State departments of transportation using weather-responsive traffic analysis and simulation tools for planning and evaluating road weather management strategies
Figure 15. Chart. Performance Measure 15 – number of States disseminating weather advisory and other road weather information to travelers, by type (percentage change from 2015 survey)
Figure 16. Chart. Performance Measure 16 – deployment levels of control and treatment strategies during weather events (percentage change from 2015 survey)
Figure 17. Chart. Performance Measure 26 – percentage of agencies meeting sustainability criteria related to road weather management
Figure 18. Chart. Performance Measure 27 – percentage of agencies involved in extreme weather or climate change activities
Figure 19. Graph. States participating in road weather management meetings
Figure 20. Graph. Performance Measure 22 – number of participants attending Road Weather Management Program-related courses held by the Consortium for Intelligent Transportation System Training and Education
Figure 21. Graph. Performance Measure 1 – number of agencies participating in road weather research and development projects, 2017 vs. 2015 data
Figure 22. Map. 2017 State participation in the Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS) Program
Figure 23. Chart. Level of coordination between State departments of transportation and  National Weather Service local forecast offices
Figure 24. Chart. Responses from State department of transportation survey question 4
Figure 25. Chart. Responses from State department of transportation survey question 6
Figure 26. Chart. Responses from State department of transportation survey question 7
Figure 27. Chart. Responses from State department of transportation survey question 9
Figure 28. Chart. Responses from State department of transportation survey question 10
Figure 29. Chart. Responses from State department of transportation survey question 11
Figure 30. Chart. Responses from State department of transportation survey question 12
Figure 31. Chart. Responses from State department of transportation survey question 13
Figure 32. Chart. Responses from State department of transportation survey question 14
Figure 33. Chart. Responses from State department of transportation survey question 15
Figure 34. Chart. Responses from State department of transportation survey question 16
Figure 35. Chart. Responses from State department of transportation survey question 17
Figure 36. Chart. Responses from State department of transportation survey question 18
Figure 37. Chart. Responses from State department of transportation survey question 19
Figure 38. Chart. Responses from State department of transportation survey question 20
Figure 39. Chart. Responses from State department of transportation survey question 21

List of Tables

Table 1. Performance measure mapping
Table 2. Number of State transportation agencies participating in Road Weather Management Program webinars
Table 3. Meetings with Road Weather Program representation
Table 4. State department of transportation survey question 4 and associated responses
Table 5. State department of transportation survey question 5 and associated responses
Table 6. State department of transportation survey question 5.1 and associated responses
Table 7. State Department of transportation survey question 6 and associated responses
Table 8. State department of transportation survey question 7 and associated responses
Table 9. State department of transportation survey question 8 and associated responses
Table 10. State department of transportation survey question 9 and associated responses
Table 11. State department of transportation survey question 10 and associated responses
Table 12. State department of transportation survey question 11 and associated responses
Table 13. State department of transportation survey question 12 and associated responses
Table 14. State department of transportation survey question 13 and associated responses
Table 15. State department of transportation survey question 14 and associated responses
Table 16. State department of transportation survey question 15 and associated responses
Table 17. State department of transportation survey question 16 and associated responses
Table 18. State department of transportation survey question 17 and associated responses
Table 19. State department of transportation survey question 18 and associated responses
Table 20. State department of transportation survey question 19 and associated responses
Table 21. State department of transportation survey question 20 and associated responses
Table 22. State department of transportation survey question 20 and associated responses
Table 23. Summary of objective #1 performance measures
Table 24. Summary of objective #2 performance measures
Table 25. Summary of objective #3 performance measures
Table 26. Summary of objective #4 performance measure
Table 27. Summary of objective #5 performance measures
Table 28. Summary of objective # 6 performance measures
Table 29. Summary of objective #7 performance measures
Table 30. Summary of objective #8 performance measures
  Last modified: April 21, 2020  
Office of Operations