Arterial Data Collection Technology
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Travel Time on Arterials and Rural Highways: State-of-the-Practice Synthesis on Arterial Data Collection Technology
April 2013

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The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) provides high quality
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Table of Contents
[ Technical Report Documentation Page ] [ Acknowledgements ] [ List of Acronyms ]
Executive Summary
1. Introduction
1.1 Background and Objectives
1.2 Methodology
1.3 Organization of Synthesis Report
2. Data Source Summaries
2.1 Bluetooth Detection
2.2 Toll Tag Reader
2.3 In-Pavement Magnetic Detectors
2.4 Automatic License Plate Readers (ALPR)
2.5 Machine Vision
2.6 Connected Vehicle
2.7 Radar, Microwave, LIDAR (RML)
2.8 Inductive Loops
2.9 Crowdsourcing
2.10 Cell Phone Signal Monitoring
3. Implementations
of Arterial Travel Time Data Collection
3.1 Case Study: Chandler, AZ
3.1.1 Background and Planning
3.1.2 Implementation and Management
3.1.3 Lessons Learned
3.2 Case Study: St. Louis, MO
3.2.1 Background
and Planning
3.2.2 Implementation and Management
3.2.3 Lessons Learned
3.3 I-95 Corridor Coalition
3.4 Utah County, UT, I-15
3.5 Houston, TX, Multiple Routes
3.6 Flagstaff, AZ, US-180
3.7 Atlanta Area, GA
3.8 Essex County, United Kingdom
4. Best Practices
for Arterial Travel Time Data Collection
4.1 Needs Assessment, Planning, and Specifications Development
4.2 Selecting and Acquiring Data Collection Technology
4.3 Implementation, Management, and Evaluation
5. Conclusion
List of Figures
Figure 1. ATT Signs in
Chandler, Arizona
Figure 2. TrafficCast's
BlueTOAD Pole-mounted, Solar-powered Bluetooth Detector
and Cabinet Interior
Figure 3. Toll Tag Reader
(AVI) in Houston, TX
Figure 4. Sensys Sensor
Figure 5. Typical Sensys
Implementation Showing Sensor Array, Repeater, and
Access Point
Figure 6. ALPR Illumination
(Foreground) and Camera (Background) Used in a Work
zone On Arizona State Route 68
Figure 7. Bluetooth Detector
on Light Pole that Taps into a Pedestrian Signal Head
Using Power over Ethernet
Figure 8. ATT Signs in
Chandler, AZ
Figure 9. Locations of
DMS and Advised Routes
Figure 10. Arterial-based
Display on Approach to I-55
Figure 11. Arterial-based
Display on Route 94
Figure 12. Freeway and
Arterial Coverage (as Built) in Philadelphia, PA
Figure 13. Both Phases
of a Trailblazer Sign
Figure 14. Houston TranStar
Arterial Traffic Map (detail)
Figure 15. ATT Detection
Coverage (Shown as Color-coded Arterials) in Cobb
County, Georgia: US-41/Cobb Pkwy, Chastain Road, Bells
Ferry Road, and Barrett Pkwy
Figure 16. ATT Coverage
(Shown as Green-colored Arterials) in Essex County,
List of Tables
Table 1. Candidate ATT
Table 2. Table of Search
Terms and Categories
Table 3. Candidate ATT
Table 4. Vehicle Probe Project Current Contracted Coverage
U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Toll-Free "Help Line" 866-367-7487
April 2013