Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Travel Time on Arterials and Rural Highways: State-of-the-Practice Synthesis on Arterial Data Collection Technology


The research reported herein was performed under the Federal Highway Administration's TMC Pooled Fund Study under contract DTFH61-06-D-00007 by Westat and SAIC. SAIC was the prime contractor, with Westat having the technical lead. Dr. Emanuel Robinson, Senior Research Scientist at Westat, was the Project Director and Principal Investigator. The other authors of this report are Jeremiah Singer and Jessica Krueger, both Research Associates at Westat, and Jennifer Atkinson and Matthew Myers, both Transportation Engineers at SAIC. Mrs. Atkinson also served as overall Task Manager. In addition, we would like to thank Rick Huey, Senior Research Engineer at Westat, for helpful comments on the final reports. We would also like to thank Westat's Graphics Services, especially Brandy Gruner and Kenneth Von Alt, for producing the final layouts and formatting of the reports.

The authors acknowledge Jimmy Chu, who served as the Federal Highway Administration Government Task Monitor for this project, as well as the Transportation Management Center Pooled Fund Study panel members who provided advice and review throughout the project:

Elizabeth Birriel
Florida Department of Transportation

Mark Demidovich
Georgia Department of Transportation

Jeff Galas
Illinois Department of Transportation

Mike Jenkinson
California Department of Transportation

Jim McGee
Nebraska Department of Transportation

Cathy McGhee
Virginia Department of Transportation

Chris Quesnell
Wisconsin Department of Transportation

Jason Sims
Missouri Department of Transportation

The authors also thank the experts and practitioners who contributed to the case studies, review of practice, and review of technologies:

Jeff Jenq
OZ Engineering

Ben McCawley
City of Chandler

Ben McKeever
Federal Highway Administration

Donna Nelson
Traffax Inc.

Gregory Owens
Missouri Department of Transportation

Edward Smaglik
Northern Arizona University

  Last modified: May 28, 2020