ITS Architecture Implementation Program
time lapse of traffic traveling down and exiting from a freeway at night
21st Century Operations Using twenty-first Century Technologies

6.0 Recommendations/Next Steps

The process involved in developing this Integration Strategy culminated in the following products:

  • A survey of the current and planned ITS efforts in the region, assembled with input from all salient transportation stakeholders from the traffic, transit, and safety arenas.
  • A list of "ITS Needs for the Region" which are not currently being addressed.
  • A detailed description at the functional level of how these efforts could integrate and/or share information.

Based on these findings, the Integration Strategy proposes the following recommendations:

  • Incorporate Integration Strategy into overall MORPC planning process and update in conjunction with Transportation Plan.
  • Ensure that this Integration Strategy is in compliance with the final ruling from FHWA for conformity to the National Architecture. As FHWA develops its final ruling on how to conform to the National Architecture, MORPC should ensure that this strategy conforms to that ruling.
  • Promote the projects outlined in this Integration Strategy and work with implementing agencies around the region to develop the projects that were recommended by the process as "ITS needs for the Region."
  • Work with all regional stakeholders to identify sources of funding for all ITS projects in the region.

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