Fact Sheets

The Work Zone Mobility and Safety Fact Sheet series showcases specific projects and practices used by one or more agencies to improve mobility and safety in work zones. The fact sheets are intended to:
- Share lessons learned from a project, practice, or application.
- Showcase innovative technologies and best practices.
- Support the Work Zone Best Practices Guidebook and its database of practices and technologies.
- Introduce new initiatives, products, and tools.
- Fact Sheet 1: Oregon's Quickfax Service (HTML, PDF 1.7MB)
- Fact Sheet 2: Customer Driven Construction in Illinois (HTML, PDF 707KB)
- Fact Sheet 3: Work Zone Safety Awareness (HTML, PDF 1.6MB)
- Fact Sheet 4: Delaware's Survival Plan for the I-95 Shutdown (HTML, PDF 1.6MB)
- Fact Sheet 5: Innovation During Bridge Rehabilitation Improves Mobility (HTML, PDF 474KB)
- Fact Sheet 6: Work Zone Best Practices Guidebook (HTML, PDF 629KB)
- Fact Sheet 7: Compendium of Work Zone Research, Development and Technology Transfer (HTML, PDF 579KB)
- Fact Sheet 8: Ohio Keeps Motorists and Road Rehabilitation Moving Forward (HTML, PDF 113KB)
- Fact Sheet 9: Arkansas Uses Public Outreach to Pave The Way During Interstate Rehabilitation (HTML, PDF 125KB)
- Fact Sheet 10: Communicating Work Zone Information to Truckers in North Carolina (HTML, PDF 239KB)
- Fact Sheet 11: Caltrans Transportation Management Plans Reduce Work Zone Congestion (HTML, PDF 157KB)
- Fact Sheet 12: Tennessee Analyzes Work Zone Impacts to Find a SmartFIX for I-40 (HTML, PDF 300KB)
- Fact Sheet 13: Work Zone Training: Examples of What Agencies Are Doing (HTML, PDF 961KB)
- Fact Sheet 14: Tracking Work Zone Performance in Missouri (HTML, PDF 393KB)
- Fact Sheet 15: Midwest Work Zone Roundtable - Improved Work Zone Management and Operations through Collaboration (HTML, PDF 231KB)
- Fact Sheet 16: States Across the Country Implement Accelerated Bridge Construction (HTML, PDF 531KB)
- Fact Sheet 17: Lane Closure Policies and Management Systems (HTML, PDF 465KB)
- Fact Sheet 18: Using Portable Traffic Monitoring Devices (PTMDs) in Work Zones (HTML, PDF 173KB)
- Fact Sheet 19: Work Zone Corridor Management in Michigan (HTML, PDF 259KB)
We would like to share your success story with the highway community across the nation. If you are interested in offering a topic for a future fact sheet, please send an email with detailed information about the topic to WorkZoneFeedback@dot.gov.
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