Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program
Photo collage: temporary lane closure, road marking installation, cone with mounted warning light, and drum separated work zones.
Office of Operations 21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Work Zone and Traffic Analysis Tools

Analysis may necessitate the use of analytical tools, depending on the degree of analysis required. Some tools, such as QuickZone and CA4PRS, were designed for work zone related analysis. Other traffic analysis tools that were not designed specifically for work zones may also be useful for analyzing work zone situations.


QuickZone is an easy-to-use computer-based traffic analysis tool that compares the traffic impacts for work zone mitigation strategies and estimates the costs, traffic delays, and potential backups associated with these impacts. The target users of QuickZone are State and local traffic, construction, operations, and planning staff, and construction contractors. QuickZone can be used to:

  • Quantify corridor delay resulting from capacity decreases in work zones.
  • Identify delay impacts of alternative project phasing plans.
  • Support tradeoff analyses between construction costs and delay costs.
  • Examine the impacts of construction staging by location, time of day (peak versus off-peak), and season (summer versus winter).
  • Assess travel demand measures and other delay mitigation strategies.
  • Help establish work completion incentives.

QuickZone can help agencies with the impacts analysis efforts that are encouraged by the Work Zone Safety and Mobility Rule.

QuickZone 2.0 is the current version of the software. Learn more

Highway Capacity Manual

The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) contains concepts, guidelines, and computational procedures for assessing capacity and quality of service for current conditions of highway facilities, as well as the effects of temporary conditions such as work zones and future conditions such as proposed improvement projects. The latest version, HCM 2010, discusses the proper application of micro-simulation analysis and its results; provides specific tools and generalized service volume tables; provides an integrated multimodal approach to analyzing urban streets; and discusses how active traffic management can affect both demand and capacity.

  • NCHRP Synthesis 427: Extent of Highway Capacity Manual Use in Planning (PDF 1.4MB) - Assesses how state DOTs, small and large metropolitan planning organizations, and local governments are using or might use the HCM for performance monitoring, problem identification, project prioritization and programming, and decision-making processes to better compare project alternatives and understand impacts to highway facilities.

Highway Safety Manual

The Highway Safety Manual (HSM) provides information and tools to facilitate roadway planning, design, operations, and maintenance decisions based on precise consideration of their safety consequences. The primary focus of the HSM is analytical tools for predicting the impact of transportation project and program decisions on road safety. Several accompanying references have been developed through cooperative research initiated by FHWA. These include SafetyAnalyst, Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM), and the Crash Modification Factors (CMF) Clearinghouse.

FHWA Traffic Analysis Tools Program

FHWA's Traffic Analysis Tools Program supports development of new, improved tools for traffic operations analysis and facilitates the deployment and use of existing tools.

  Last modified: January 25, 2024