Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program

Developing and Implementing Transportation Management Plans for Work Zones

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Contact Information:

December 2005

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations


Table of Contents


List of Acronyms

Executive Summary

1.0 Introduction

1.1 What is a TMP?

1.2 Why Develop and Implement TMPs?

1.3 Purpose of this Document

1.4 Target Audience

1.5 TMPs and the Work Zone Rule

1.6 Overview of Guidance Material for the Rule

1.7 Key Terminology

2.0 Process for TMP Development, Implementation, and Assessment

2.1 How and When Should TMPs be Developed, Implemented, and Assessed?

2.2 TMP Development, Implementation, and Assessment Process

2.2.1 TMP Development During Planning, Preliminary Engineering, and Design

2.2.2 TMP Implementation, Monitoring, and Revisions During Construction

2.2.3 TMP Performance Assessment

2.3 Tips for an Effective TMP

3.0 Potential TMP Components

3.1 Introductory Material

3.2 Executive Summary

3.3 TMP Roles and Responsibilities

3.4 Project Description

3.5 Existing and Future Conditions

3.6 Work Zone Impacts Assessment Report

3.7 Selected Work Zone Impacts Management Strategies

3.8 TMP Monitoring

3.8.1 Monitoring Requirements

3.8.2 Evaluation Report for the TMP

3.9 Contingency Plans

3.10 TMP Implementation Costs

3.11 Special Considerations (As Needed)

3.12 Attachments (As Needed)

4.0 Work Zone Impacts Management Strategies

4.1 Temporary Traffic Control (TTC)

4.1.1 Control Strategies

4.1.2 Traffic Control Devices

4.1.3 Project Coordination, Contracting, and Innovative Construction Strategies

4.2 Public Information (PI)

4.2.1 Public Awareness Strategies

4.2.2 Motorist Information Strategies

4.3 Transportation Operations (TO)

4.3.1 Demand Management Strategies

4.3.2 Corridor/Network Management Strategies

4.3.3 Work Zone Safety Management Strategies

4.3.4 Traffic/Incident Management and Enforcement Strategies

5.0 Current TMP Use, Examples, and Practices

5.1 Current TMP Use

5.1.1 Current TMP Policies and Processes

5.1.2 Work Zone Impact Mitigation Strategies

5.1.3 TMP Development and Implementation Costs

5.1.4 Conclusions and Lessons-Learned

5.1.5 Contact Information

5.2 Examples and Practices

Appendix A - Transportation Management Plan Potential Components Checklist

Appendix B - Work Zone Management Strategies Matrix

Technical Report Documentation Page

List of Tables

Table 3.1 Potential TMP Components

Table 4.1a Work Zone Management Strategies by Category – I. Temporary Traffic Control (TTC)

Table 4.1b Work Zone Management Strategies by Category – II. Public Information (PI)

Table 4.1c Work Zone Management Strategies by Category – III. Transportation Operations (TO)

Table 5.1 Resources for Examples and Best Practices

Table B.1 TMP Strategy Matrix – Mobility/Safety Improvement and Considerations for Implementation

List of Figures

Figure 2.1 A Process for TMP Development

Office of Operations