Work Zone Mobility and Safety Program

12.0 Public Information/Public Awareness Campaign

Public information is a vital component of this TMP. The objective of the public information campaign is to disseminate timely information related to construction activities. The scope of this campaign includes informing the public about the construction project and its impacts on the traveling public, and to provide information on various measures the traveling public may use to avoid anticipated traffic delays due to construction. The following elements of public information campaign are important facets of the overall TMP:

12.1 Brochures and Mailer

Pamphlets and flyers containing construction information and traffic management activities may be distributed by direct mail or handouts. The local commuters, employers, businesses, planners of special events, and community groups should be targeted for this information. These notices are sent to address their special circumstances, and to present alternative route maps, construction status, and information about the available TMP program. Brochures will be distributed at all truck stops and rest areas on Interstate 5 between Bakersfield and Oregon.

Fact sheets and construction bulletins may be created and available to hand out and/or mail or fax to the public along with the media project scope information, map of the project, and lane closure information may also be available.

12.2 Press Releases

Information to the public of upcoming stages, detours, project information, and construction events will be made through regularly issued press releases. The media will be used to disseminate project information to the motoring public such as information about the project prior to construction; project construction status and TMP program elements during construction. Project bulletins will be periodically given to the media. This can be done through radio and TV news broadcasts or newspaper columns.

District 3 Office of Public Information will send out updates to the media through its electronic system informing the press on traffic updates.

12.3 Emergency Hot-line for the Local Public

An emergency hot line will be available to the public with up to date information about the detours. Such information will include detour directions. The information will also be available in Spanish and be accessible 24 hours a day throughout the duration of the project.

12.4 Paid Advertising

Caltrans has secured a contract with a consulting firm to provide public outreach support. The consultant, ProProse, will provide radio, television, and newspaper advertisement for the project. Refer to the outreach plan prepared by ProProse for additional elements of the public information campaign. The responsibility to make the project information available to all applicable entities will be held by the Caltrans' Public Information Office with information provided by the Resident Engineer. The Resident Engineer shall keep the District 3 TMC and DTM well informed and up-to-date on the construction progress, delays, closures, and other information which may assist them in the performance of their duties.

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