Road Weather Management Program
photos of lightning, trucks plowing snow, an empty road before a storm, and an evacuation
Office of Operations 21st century operations using 21st century technologies

National Environmental Sensor Station Map

An Environmental Sensor Station (ESS) is a site measuring atmospheric, pavement and/or water level conditions. Many state transportation agencies deploy ESS as field components of Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS). As shown on the map, there are over 2,400 ESS owned by state transportation agencies. Most of these stations are part of RWIS and used to support road maintenance activities. The other environmental sensor stations are deployed for various applications including flood monitoring and aviation.

To share information on ESS in your state, contact Weather Feedback at

This national map depicts the number of Environmental Sensor Stations (ESS) owned by state transportation agencies.  These agencies own 2,499 Environmental Sensor Stations, which are sites with one or more sensors measuring atmospheric, pavement and/or water level conditions.  The count for each state is shown in a box within the state boundaries. d Alaska - 118 Hawaii - 1 District of Columbia - 6 Washington - 100 Oregon - 71 Montana - 67 Idaho - 41 Wyoming - 33 North Dakota - 24 South Dakota - 36 California - 112 Nevada - 70 Utah - 67 Arizona - 17 Colorado - 99 New Mexico - 2 Texas - 50 Oklahoma - 7 Kansas - 52 Nebraska - 62 Louisiana - 5 Arkansas - 3 Missouri - 28 Iowa - 96 Minnesota - 171 Wisconsin - 61 Michigan - 42 Illinois - 99 Indiana - 32 Ohio - 172 West Virginia - 18 Kentucky - 39 Tennessee - 81 Mississippi - 0 Alabama - 11 Georgia - 48 Florida - 30 National Total - 2,499 Environmental Sensor Station (ESS) in Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS) 2,017 South Carolina - 30 North Carolina - 41 Virginia - 62 Maryland - 63 Deleware - 13 New Jersey - 76 Connecticut - 12 Rhode Island - 8 Massachusetts - 29 Maine - 8 New Hampshire - 14 Vermont - 11 New York - 74 Pennsylvania - 87

Office of Operations