Road Weather Management Program
photos of lightning, trucks plowing snow, an empty road before a storm, and an evacuation
Office of Operations 21st century operations using 21st century technologies


Principles and Tools for Road Weather Management

This course provides transportation professionals in highway maintenance and/or highway operations with training to develop tools and strategies for addressing road weather problems. The course begins with an overview of the types of road weather problems and their associated costs, as well as basic meteorology for non-meteorologists. Through this course, participants are exposed to various strategies for addressing road weather problems, including Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS) and the development of crosscutting decision support systems to respond effectively to weather situations. In addition, road weather solutions unique to maintenance management, traffic management, traveler information, and emergency management are discussed.

RWIS Equipment and Operations

Adverse weather is our common enemy in road maintenance, traffic, and emergency operations. Transportation agencies are well aware of the operational and logistical challenges of such weather. Many agencies are fighting this age-old battle by implementing Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS). This requires that critical personnel be well-informed of the impacts and considerations of deploying RWIS. The goal of this course is to, not only discuss RWIS initiatives and considerations, but through workshops, exercises, and self-assessments, explore individual state and local deployment challenges which will leave participants with an action plan tailored for their specific needs.

Weather-Responsive Traffic Management

This course provides information and guidance to transportation system managers and operators to help them effectively manage traffic flow and operations during adverse weather conditions. Various Weather-Responsive Traffic Management (WRTM) strategies are described and case studies are presented to illustrate existing best practices. Specific guidance is provided on how to choose, design, and implement WRTM strategies that are appropriate for different roadway, traffic and weather conditions. Training materials include information and tools on traffic modeling and analysis, types and sources of traffic and weather data needed to support WRTM strategies, guidance on integrating weather and traffic data in daily operations, and procedures for performance measurement and evaluation of WRTM strategies. At the end of the course, participants should understand and be able to describe the WRTM concepts and framework, the different strategies and the types of data, analysis tools, and performance monitoring necessary to effectively manage traffic during weather events.

Anti-Icing/RWIS Computer-Based Training Program

A comprehensive, interactive training program for winter operations was jointly developed by the FHWA, AASHTO's Snow and Ice Cooperative Program (SICOP), and a pooled-fund research program known as Aurora. The computer-based training program incorporates scenario based training exercises for equipment operators, supervisors, and middle managers. The training program covers an introduction to anti-icing and winter maintenance, winter road maintenance management, winter roadway hazards and principles of overcoming them, weather basics, weather and roadway monitoring for anti-icing decisions, computer access to road weather information, and anti-icing practice in winter maintenance operations. Two versions of the training program are available, one generic and the other customized. The customized versions are specifically tailored to the strategies and chemicals used in the snow and ice control operations of a particular state. The training course is available from AASHTO and the American Public Works Association (APWA).

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  Last modified: September 6, 2024  
Office of Operations