Office of Operations
photos of traffic merging onto congested highway, congestion in snowstorm, variable message sign, cargo, variable speed limit sign in a work zone, and a freeway at night
21st century operations using 21st century technologies

Welcome to Business Process Frameworks for Transportation Operations

Workshop Request

Request a facilitated workshop to use the frameworks from FHWA at:

Jim Hunt

These workshops will be facilitated to walk through the frameworks and support the development of an implementation plan in the region.

This website contains a set of capability maturity frameworks to support the implementation of Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO).

TSMO is a set of integrated strategies to optimize the performance of operations on existing infrastructure through implementation of multimodal and intermodal, cross-jurisdictional systems, services, and projects designed to preserve capacity and improve security, safety, and reliability of a transportation system.

Improving institutional capability and business process is necessary to improve implementation of TSMO strategies. The Strategic Highway Research Program 2 (SHRP2) recognized this need and created the institutional architectures for TSMO as part of the L06 project. Building on SHRP2 results, American Association of State Highways and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) has continued development of this concept and a capability maturity concept was published as part of the TSMO guidance. SHRP2 Implementation activities have successfully used the overall framework to work with State DOTs to develop action plans to improve their TSMO capabilities.

To continue the emphasis on capability maturity and to provide program-level guidance, FHWA developed additional frameworks that focus on improvement actions for specific TSMO program areas. These frameworks are designed for agencies and regions to assess the current strengths and weaknesses and to help develop a targeted action plan for the program area. Agencies can use the tools available on the website to walk through the framework.

For more information, please contact us or visit:

Contact Us

To obtain more information on the Business Process Frameworks for Transportation Operations or to provide feedback on this web site, please contact:

Jim Hunt

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  Last modified: November 9, 2023