Operations News - Archive
News Archive
US Department of Transportation Connected Vehicle Planning and Policy Stakeholder Workshop - January 16, 2014 - 12/30/2013
The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) will conduct a free public workshop focused on soliciting input from transportation infrastructure owner/operators which would potentially deploy and utilize connected vehicle technologies on stakeholder needs for policies, guidelines, and tools in support of successful implementation. Although the target audience is State and local DOTs, transit agencies, and other infrastructure owners the meeting will be open to other stakeholders in the connected vehicle community, national associations, and the general public. Remote participation will be available via webinar. For more information and registration go to:
Programming for Operations: MPO Examples of Prioritizing and Funding Transportation Systems Management & Operations Strategies - 12/19/2013
The report discusses how metropolitan planning organizations have incorporated transportation systems management and operations projects into the programming phase of transportation investment decisionmaking in metropolitan areas.
Public Roads Editorial: Training Millions of Responders - 11/27/2013
Preparing a huge and diverse cadre of traffic incident management professionals to work together seamlessly is no small task. This article describes how FHWA and its partners are doing it. (FHWA Public Roads November/December 2013)
FHWA's Listening Session I & II of the Freight Analysis Framework Development - 11/25/2013
This webinar consists of two listening sessions the Office of Operation of FHWA plans for public involvement and participation to the development of the Freight Analysis Framework (FAF). The two sessions will cover same topics about current conditions and issues of the FAF version 3 and comments, ideas, and suggestions for FAF version 4 and beyond.
Volume XIII: Integrated Corridor Management Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation Guide - 11/21/2013
This this guide was designed to help corridor stakeholders implement the Integrated Corridor Management Analysis, Modeling, and Simulation (ICM AMS) methodology successfully and effectively. It provides a step-by-step approach to implementation of the ICM AMS methodology and reflects lessons learned in its application to the three ICM Pioneer Sites and a test corridor. It is specifically targeted at technical and/or program managers in transportation agencies at the State or local level who may oversee implementation of ICM and/or an ICM AMS initiative. This Guide will also be a helpful reference to all stakeholders involved in AMS, including technical modelers, by providing a framework for developing an effective analysis plan to support selection and application of available tools and models specifically conducive to ICM.
Work Zone Performance Measurement Using Probe Data - 10/22/2013
This document assesses the potential for probe data to support work zone performance measurement programs. It includes an overview of probe data and identifies when and how probe data sources can be used to support work zone performance measures. It provides summaries of several projects that made use of probe data for work zone performance measurement or examined the capabilities and limitations of probe vehicle data. A particular focus was on a recent Maryland State Highway Administration project that provided a comprehensive example of the use of probe data sources to compute the performance measures by developing a web-based work zone performance measure application.
Transportation Planning For Operations: Quick Guide to Practitioner Resources - 10/22/2013
The Transportation Planning For Operations: Quick Guide to Practitioner Resources brochure lists the resources available for transportation professionals. The resources were created with the input of transportation professionals across the country to help improve planning for the management and operation of transportation facilities.
Making the Connection: Advancing Traffic Incident Management in Transportation Planning - 10/16/2013
The intent of this primer is to inform and guide traffic incident management (TIM) professionals and transportation planners to initiate and develop collaborative relationships and advance TIM programs through the metropolitan planning process.
Data Exchange Format Specification and companion Guide - 10/11/2013
The Data Exchange Format Specification (DXFS) helps in the development of interoperable real-time traffic and travel information within and among public agencies, as well as with private entities to establish Real-Time System Management Information Programs (RTSMIP) by establishing a standards-based specification of key RTSMIP interfaces. The DXFS can be used to define the information exchanges across a system-to-system interface, helping the interoperability of systems. A companion document is the Guide on how to use the DXFS for specifying implementation of RTSMIP at a State or regional level.
Guide for Highway Capacity and Operations Analysis of Active Transportation and Demand Management Strategies - 10/11/2013
This Guide provides a conceptual analysis framework, recommended measures of effectiveness, and an initial recommended methodology for evaluating the impacts of Active Transportation and Demand Management (ATDM) strategies on highway and street system demand, capacity, and performance. The Guide presents practitioners with methods to analyze the varying demand and capacity conditions that facilities operate under and methods to apply a limited but broad set of transportation management actions to respond to those conditions Thus, the methodology represents, in a macroscopic sense, the effects of ATDM at a level suitable for planning and investment decision-making but not real-time operations. This Guide is designed to be used in conjunction with the Transportation Research Board’s Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) for the planning, programming, and design of ATDM measures.
FHWA Office Of Operations Releases a Tool for Operations Benefit Cost Analysis - 9/26/2013
As part of the USDOT Planning for Operations Initiative, the FHWA Office of Operations is pleased to make available Version 1.0 of the Tool for Operations Benefit-Cost Analysis (TOPS-BC V 1.0). TOPS-BC is companion resource to FHWA's Operations Benefit / Cost Desk Reference. TOPS-BC is a sketch-planning level decision support tool intended to provide support and guidance to transportation practitioners in the application of benefit/cost analysis (BCA) for a wide range of Transportation System Management and Operations (TSM&O) strategies. The tool can be used to screen TSMO&O strategies and provide "order of magnitude" BCA estimates.
Public Roads Editorial: Turning the National Spotlight on TIM - 8/21/2013
Jeffrey Lindley, FHWA Associate Administrator for the Office of Operations, discusses how FHWA is addressing safety and congestion concerns by leading the way in the field of traffic incident management (TIM). (FHWA Public Roads July/August 2013)
Public Roads Article: Successfully Managing Traffic Incidents Is No Accident - 8/21/2013
Public Roads Article: FHWA is taking the lead to enhance the multidisciplinary responses required when problems strike on busy roadways. This is the first article in a series of articles focusing on the nationwide effort to improve responses to traffic incidents, with the two goals of protecting the traveling public and responders and reducing congestion. (FHWA Public Roads July/August 2013)
Guidebook for State, Regional, and Local Governments on Addressing Potential Equity Impacts of Road Pricing - 8/5/2013
This guidebook is designed to assist transportation agencies to better assess and mitigate perceived and potential equity impacts of road pricing projects on local communities, commuters, and system users. (Publication Number: FHWA-HOP-13-033)
Travel Time on Arterials and Rural Highways: State-of-the-Practice Synthesis on Rural Data Collection Technology - 7/24/2013
Travel time to a destination is a key piece of information that motorists want and need, and is vital for good decision-making by travelers. Technology now makes it feasible to provide drivers with real-time information about how long it takes to reach a given destination. The collection of travel time data is a challenging problem that deserves a systematic review. The purpose of this project was to identify, review, and synthesize information on current and potential future efforts in real-time travel time on rural highways. The current report focuses on rural highway travel time data technology considerations and is not a primer for general travel time best practices. (Publication Number: FHWA-HOP-13-029)
Travel Time on Arterials and Rural Highways: State-of-the-Practice Synthesis on Arterial Data Collection Technology - 7/24/2013
Travel time to a destination is a key piece of information that motorists want and need, and is vital for good decisionmaking by travelers. Technology now makes it feasible to provide drivers with real-time information about how long it takes to reach a given destination. The collection of travel time data is a challenging problem that deserves a systematic review. The purpose of this project was to identify, review, and synthesize information on current and potential future efforts in real-time travel time on arterials. The current report focuses on arterial highway travel time data technology considerations and is not a primer for general travel time best practices. (Publication Number: FHWA-HOP-13-028)
Traffic Analysis Toolbox Volume XIV: Guidebook on the Utilization of Dynamic Traffic Assignment in Modeling - 7/18/2013
This document provides guidance to practitioners, managers and software developers on methods for applying Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) in transportation modeling. This guidance will inform Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) of the potential benefits and applications that are possible from utilization of DTA modeling tools. This Guidebook provides recommended processes and implementations for using DTA tools in transportation analyses. This document provides transportation practitioners with guidance on the appropriate application of DTA tools for transportation decision making. The Guide is intended to assist practitioners in developing and implementing DTA for regional planning, project planning, and other transportation analysis.
The Active Transportation and Demand Management Program (ATDM): Lessons Learned - 6/27/2013
Active transportation and demand management (ATDM) is the proactive and dynamic management, control, and influence of travel demand, traffic demand, and traffic flow of transportation facilities. Using available tools and assets, traffic flow is managed and traveler behavior is influenced in real time to achieve operational objectives, such as preventing or delaying breakdown conditions, improving safety, promoting sustainable travel modes, reducing emissions, or maximizing system efficiency. Under an ATDM approach, the transportation system is continuously monitored. This report documents the lessons learned and critical issues related to the deployment of ATDM across the United States to date. Common themes that resonate with transportation professionals regarding ATDM include agency approaches to incorporating ATDM in the planning process, regulatory and institutional obstacles that may need to be overcome prior to implementation, the importance of developing strong partnerships with stakeholders, the importance of outreach, addressing design exceptions created by ATDM applications, appropriate signage to adequately convey operational strategies to travelers, and operations and maintenance approaches and responsibilities.
Design-Build and Work Zone Safety and Mobility - New Resources - 6/25/2013
Good work zone planning, design, and operations practices are important in design-build projects, but may need to be applied somewhat differently because of how project processes differ from traditional design-bid-build. FHWA has developed a series of products on incorporating work zone safety and mobility considerations in design-build projects. The series includes four documents: key considerations; tips for developing requests for proposal; case studies; and a summary leaflet on successes, challenges, and tips.
New Guidance on Data Needs, Availability, and Opportunities for Work Zone Performance Measures - 6/17/2013
This document is designed to provide more in-depth information and guidance on the types of work zone safety and mobility performance measures practitioners deem useful within categories of safety, mobility, customer satisfaction, and agency and/or contractor efficiency and productivity. The Guide describes data needed to (1) compute measures, (2) evaluate work zone exposure, and (3) stratify data to describe when and where the work zone impacts are occurring. The Guide identifies methods of obtaining data and summarizes key considerations associated with each type of data.
Brochure on Work Zone Safety and Mobility Performance Monitoring and Measurement - 6/17/2013
Current Federal Regulations (23 CFR 630 Subpart J) encourage States to collect and analyze data to support the initiation and enhancement of agency-level processes and procedures addressing work zone impacts. This tri-fold brochure summarizes several resources, developed by FHWA, to provide practitioners with the skills to identify current as well as potential/new data sources for use in work zone performance measurement, assist in determining how to select and compute useful work zone performance measures, and the viability of each source for work zone performance measurement.
Federal Register Notice Published on June 17, 2013 - National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways - 6/17/2013
Response to January 11, 2013 Request for Comments on Possible Restructuring of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways.
Congestion Pricing: A Primer on Institutional Issues - 6/7/2013
Institutional issues provide challenges to implementing congestion pricing strategies. The primer explores the types of institutional issues that are commonly encountered with priced lanes, zone-based pricing, and parking pricing programs. These issues include the up-front challenges of establishing leadership, meeting legislative requirements, and setting an organizational structure. Once the challenges are overcome, there are numerous institutional issues related to the planning process, public involvement and implementation procedures. The primer examines these topics with the insights gained from case study applications around the United States and Europe.
Register Now for the National Congestion Pricing Conference - 6/3/2013
The Federal Highway Administration will be holding the National Congestion Pricing Conference July 9-10, 2013 in Seattle, Washington. There is no cost to attend this conference but you must register in advance. The conference will include sessions on successes and challenges to advancing congestion pricing in the United States. Much of the discussion will be centered on the important outcomes of project implementations, especially as a result of the Urban Partnership Agreement (UPA)/Congestion Reduction Demonstration (CRD) programs as well as the Value Pricing Pilot Program. Following the conference, the TRB Congestion Pricing Committee (ABE 25) and its Outreach and Research Subcommittees will meet on the morning of July 11 and all are welcome to attend. A draft agenda is available on the registration web site.
Urban Congestion Report (UCR) for January - March 2013 Now Available - 4/30/2013
The Urban Congestion Report (UCR) is produced on a quarterly basis and characterizes emerging traffic congestion and reliability trends at the national and city level.
Road Weather Management Certificate - 4/11/2013
The Consortium for ITS Training and Education (CITE) is now offering a certificate program on Road Weather Management. The program requires the completion of three core courses (currently free for government agencies for a limited time): Principles and Tools for Road Weather Management, Roadway Weather Information System (RWIS) Equipment and Operations, and the recently developed Weather Responsive Traffic Management (WRTM) course. Upon completion of the program, participants will receive a certificate and Continuing Education Units (CEU's) certified from the University of Maryland.
On-Line Course on Weather Responsive Traffic Management (WRTM) - 4/11/2013
The ITS Joint Program Office Professional Capacity Building program in partnership the with Consortium for ITS Training and Education (CITE) and the FHWA Road Weather Management Program are delivering the new web-based course on Weather Responsive Traffic Management starting May 3, 2013. The course is currently free of charge (for a limited time) to all government agencies at the state, local, city/municipal and federal levels. The course provides information and guidance to transportation system managers and operators to help them effectively manage traffic flow and operations during adverse weather conditions.
2012 Urban Congestion Trends - Operations: The Key to Reliable Travel - 4/10/2013
The 2012 Urban Congestion Trends report is now available. The report provides a snapshot of urban congestion trends, including travel time reliability, in 19 urban areas in the U.S. The report also highlights operational solutions that provide benefits to system operators and the traveling public.
Designing for Transportation Management and Operations: A Primer - 4/9/2013
This primer is focused on the collaborative and systematic consideration of management and operations during transportation project design and development. This is termed designing for operations. Effectively designing for operations involves the development and application of design policies, procedures, and strategies that support transportation management and operations. The consideration of operations needs during the design process requires transportation design professionals to work closely with those with expertise in transportation operations, intelligent transportation and transportation technology staff, planning, transit, freight, traffic incident management, and other practitioners from multiple agencies to fully identify, prioritize, and incorporate operations needs into the infrastructure design. This primer introduces the concept for designing for operations and describes tools or institutional approaches to assist transportation agencies in considering operations in their design procedures as well as pointing out some specific design considerations for various operations strategies.
New Active Transportation and Demand Management Web Site - 4/3/2013
FHWA has launched a new web site for the Active Transportation and Demand Management (ATDM) program. ATDM is the dynamic management, control, and influence of travel demand, traffic demand, and traffic flow of transportation facilities. The ATDM site offers tools, guidance documents, resources, and other information intended to support agencies and regions considering moving towards an active management approach.
Article: Understanding Driver Behavior in Work Zones - 4/2/2013
Research is jointly underway with FHWA's Saxton Transportation Operations Laboratory and the University of Central Florida to study driver behavior to improve the modeling of traffic flow at freeway work zones. The research examines differences in driver behavior to better calibrate models and improve estimates of work zone impacts on traffic flow. The work should help practitioners use appropriate calibration parameters during modeling of alternative work zone designs and operational strategies to reduce impacts. The research is described in a recent article in FHWA Public Roads March/April 2013 magazine.
Impacts of Technology Advancements on Transportation Management Center Operations - 4/1/2013
This report provides guidance to TMCs and transportation management agencies on how to better position themselves operationally in anticipation of future technology changes and advancements. Eight top trends of TMC operations are identified, including those that come from both within and outside the transportation community. Individual strategies - 80 in total - are presented to assist TMC managers with addressing the trends. The strategy descriptions include successful practice examples and key references as applicable. Recognizing the potential difficulties in successfully implementing individual strategies, the report also presents tools for building a framework for the technology and mindset developments. (Publication Number: FHWA-HOP-13-008)
Data Needs, Availability, and Opportunities for Work Zone Performance Measures - Webinar - 3/6/2013
On March 19, 2013 from 1-2:30pm EDT, FHWA will host a free webinar on work zone performance measures and types of available data sources for mobility, safety, customer satisfaction (i.e., the public), and agency/contractor productivity and efficiency. The webinar will provide an overview of new guidance, and highlight examples of how data and measures are being used to monitor and improve work zone performance. Advance registration is required.
Urban Congestion Report (UCR) for October - December 2012 Now Available - 2/26/2013
The Urban Congestion Report (UCR) is produced on a quarterly basis and characterizes emerging traffic congestion and reliability trends at the national and city level.
Integrating Demand Management into the Transportation Planning Process: A Desk Reference - 2/25/2013
The document has been developed to serve as a desk reference on integrating demand management into the transportation planning process.
Effective Approaches for Advancing Congestion Pricing in a Metropolitan Region - A Primer on Lessons Learned and Best Practices - 2/14/2013
This primer is intended to raise awareness among staff at MPOs and their partner agencies about the potential role of congestion pricing in supporting regional goals as well as the most effective approaches for advancing congestion pricing strategies in a region. It draws upon lessons learned from pilot and ongoing programs implemented around the United States as well as efforts to integrate congestion pricing into regional transportation plans. (Publication Number: FHWA-HOP-12-030)
Federal Register Notice Published on February 13, 2013 - Establishment of the National Freight Network - 2/13/2013
Correction - In notice document 2013-02580 appearing on pages 8686-8689, in the Federal Register issue of Wednesday, February 6, 2013.
FHWA Operations Benefit/Cost Analysis Desk Reference: Real-World Examples of Application of the Guidance - 2/12/2013
This brief provides insight into conducting benefit cost analysis (BCA) of operations strategies under a variety of real-world contexts. Examples are illustrated based on needs discussed by agencies that participated in FHWA benefit-cost workshops in Philadelphia, PA, Houston, TX, and Richmond, VA. BCA applications such as conducting a preliminary screening and prioritization of potential operations strategies to conducting benefit-cost analysis of existing construction work zone strategies and other examples are provided.
FHWA Operations Benefit/Cost Analysis Desk Reference: Conducting Benefit/Cost Analysis of Strategies Impacting Non-Typical Traffic Conditions - 2/12/2013
This brief describes how benefit-cost analyses methodologies can be improved to assess the benefits of operations strategies specifically targeted at improving travel during non-typical conditions. These non-typical conditions occur as a result of non-recurring traffic incidents, inclement weather conditions, or periods of high demand. Since a disproportionate amount of the expected benefits of these strategies are incurred during non-typical conditions, the use of conventional analysis methods focused solely on typical recurring conditions will often result in the severe underestimation of potential benefits.
FHWA Operations Benefit/Cost Analysis Desk Reference: Providing Guidance to Practitioners in the Analysis of Benefits and Costs of Management and Operations Projects - 2/12/2013
This brief summarizes the content of the Operations Benefit Cost Desk Reference, describes the capabilities and structure of the Tool for Operations Benefit Cost, and notes the project contacts and outreach opportunities.
Federal Register Notice Published on February 6, 2013 - Establishment of the National Freight Network - 2/6/2013
ACTION: Notice. This notice defines the planned process for the designation of the national freight network as required by Section 1115 of the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21). This notice defines the process for the initial designation of the primary freight network, the designation of additional miles critical to future efficient movement of goods on the primary freight network, and how data on the State-designated critical rural freight corridors will be collected.
Federal Register Notice Published on February 1, 2013 - Multistate Corridor Operations and Management Program - 2/1/2013
Applications sought from existing and potential multistate organizations, coalitions, or other arrangements or entities engaged in corridor transportation activities for participation in the Multistate Corridor Operations and Management Program.
Theme Announced for 2013 National Work Zone Awareness Week - 1/31/2013
The planning committee for the 2013 National Work Zone Awareness Week has announced the 2013 theme: "Roadway Work Zone Safety: We're All in This Together." The National kickoff event will be held on Tuesday April 16 at an urban work zone in Washington, DC.
National Standards for Traffic Control Devices; the Manual on
Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways; Notification and Request for Comment - 1/14/2013
On January 11, 2013, the FHWA published a Request for Comments (Docket ID: FHWA-2012-0118) soliciting input on the option of splitting the material in the MUTCD into two separate documents in the interest of providing a simpler, streamlined MUTCD that would be easier to use, and if it is split, what are some of the potential formats for doing so. Responses are due March 12, 2013.