Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Approaches for Communicating Third Performance Management Rule Measures, Metrics, and Targets

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U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590


March 2023

Table of Contents

[ Notice and Quality Assurance Statement ] | [ Technical Report Documentation ] | [ SI Modern Metric Conversion Factors ]| [ List of Acronyms ]

Executive Summary

Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 2. Sample Communication Approaches

Michigan Department of Transportation

North Jersey Transportation Planning Authority

Virginia Department of Transportation and the Virginia Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment

East-West Gateway Council of Governments

Georgia Department of Transportation

Additional Approaches

Chapter 3. Principles of Good Communication

Chapter 4. Approaches to Communicating Third Performance Management Rule Measures, Metrics, and Targets



Peak Hour Excessive Delay

Non-Single Occupancy Vehicle Share

Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Emissions Reduction

Chapter 5. Conclusions

Communicating with Technical Advisers and Colleagues

Communicating with Executives and Knowledgeable Decisionmakers

Communicating with Lay Decisionmakers and the Public

List of Figures

Figure 1. Infographic. Metropolitan planning organizations system performance.

Figure 2. Chart. Summary and scorecard—Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Act performance measures.

Figure 3. Chart. Conceptual line chart of National Highway Performance Program reliability, with vehicle-miles traveled shown for context.

Figure 4. Diagram. Conceptual heatmap of Level of Travel Time Reliability on highway segments.

Figure 5. Chart. Conceptual chart of Level of Travel Time Reliability on a highway segment by time of day.

Figure 6. Chart. Conceptual histogram of Level of Travel Time Reliability for the PM peak hour.

Figure 7. Chart. Example bar chart showing travel time and Truck Travel Time Reliability.

Figure 8. Diagram. Regional statewide Peak Hour Excessive Delay graphic with area proportional to the amount of Peak Hour Excessive Delay.

Figure 9. Infographic. Excessive delay map for a hypothetical trip.

Figure 10. Chart. Non-Single Occupancy Vehicle share line chart example.

Figure 11. Chart. Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality total emissions reduction line chart example.

Figure 12. Chart. Example of a “treemap” chart that displays Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality emissions reduction by project and pollutant/precursor.

List of Tables

Table 1. Communicating reliability to different audiences.

Table 2. Communicating freight reliability to different audiences

Table 3. Communicating excessive delay to different audiences.

Table 4. Communicating non-Single Occupancy Vehicle share to different audiences.

Table 5. Communicating Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality total emissions reduction to different audiences.

  Last modified: June 14, 2023