Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Integrating Computer-Aided Dispatch Data with Traffic Management Centers

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U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

United States Department of Transportation logo.

February 2021


Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction

Integrated Public Safety-Transportation Agency Data

Primer Objectives

Chapter 2. Sharing Data to Improve Traffic Incident Management

Incident Data

Incident Data Standards and Data Interoperability

Key Benefits of Sharing Computer-Aided Dispatch Incident Data

Relevant Data for Transportation Operations

Methods for Sharing Incident Data

Traffic Management Center Functions that Rely on Traffic Incident Management Data

Chapter 3. Evolution of Computer-Aided Dispatch Data Sharing

Early Computer-Aided Dispatch Traffic Management Center Data Sharing Studies

Current State of the Practice

Security of Sensitive Computer-Aided Dispatch Data

Ongoing Efforts to Expand Computer-Aided Dispatch-Traffic Management Center Data Integration

Chapter 4. Making the Case for Computer-Aided Dispatch-Traffic Management Center Integration

Benefits of Computer-Aided Dispatch Integration for Law Enforcement and Public Safety Agencies

Benefits of Computer-Aided Dispatch Integration for Transportation Operations

Enabling Successful Computer-Aided Dispatch Integration

Chapter 5. Challenges

Overcoming Institutional Barriers and Processes

Addressing Data Security and Access to Sensitive Data

Overcoming Data and Technology Compatibility Challenges

Summary of Innovative Approaches to Addressing Challenges

Chapter 6. Strategies to Advance Computer-Aided Dispatch Data Integration

Track and Report on Traffic Incident Management Performance

Establish a Business Case for Computer-Aided Dispatch Integration

Outreach and Engagement

Peer Exchanges and Site Visits

Standards Organizations

List of Figures

Figure 1. Diagram. Timeline of traffic incident elements.

Figure 2. Diagram. Methods of computer-aided dispatch data sharing.

Figure 3. Photo. Traffic management center workstation at the Freeway and Arterial System of Transportation traffic management center, Nevada.

Figure 4. Map. Current status of Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Transportation Management Center (TMC) integration.

Figure 5. Photo. Minnesota Department of Transportation Freeway Incident Response Safety Team response team.

Figure 6. Screenshot. Example alert sent to Florida Department of Transportation Traffic Management Center (TMC) from Florida Highway Patrol Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD).

Figure 7. Photo. Multi-agency working session.

Figure 8. Photo. Traffic Incident Management Awareness Week.

List of Tables

Table 1. Benefits of integrated Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD).

Table 2. Summary of Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) integration needs and solutions.

  Last modified: May 26, 2021