Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Organizing for TSMO – 2020 Peer Exchange Report

Printable version [PDF 1.8 MB]

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Operations
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590

United States Department of Transportation logo.

November 2020


Table of Contents

[ Foreword | Notice and Quality Assurance Statement | Technical Report Documentation Page ]

Executive Summary

Key Takeaways

Peer Exchange Sessions


The National TSMO Context

Participant Perspective on TSMO

Session 1. Organizational Improvements to Support Advancing TSMO

Session 2. Collaboration/Partnerships that Advance TSMO

Session 3. Communicating TSMO: Making the Business Case and Branding

Session 4. Priority Topics

Organizing for Operations and the Future of TSMO

Summary Observations on TSMO Readiness

List of Figures

Figure 1. Photo. Participants provide TSMO perspectives.

Figure 2. Diagram. Minnesota Department of Transportation proposed organizational model for TSMO.

Figure 3. Presentation slide. Arkansas Department of Transportation TSMO Champions.

Figure 4. Photo. Participants discuss organizational approaches.

Figure 5. Photo. Presentation on Maricopa Association of Governments TSMO collaboration.

Figure 6. Presentation slide. Texas Department of Transportation district coordination for TSMO program plans.

Figure 7. Presentation slide. Michigan Department of Transportation TSMO Business Case for the traveling public.

Figure 8. Photo. Participants discuss priority issues.

  Last modified: February 24, 2021