Office of Operations
21st Century Operations Using 21st Century Technologies

Research, Development, and Application of Methods to Update Freight Analysis Framework Out-of-Scope Commodity Flow Data and Truck Payload Factors

Appendix C. Crosswalk between Vehicle Inventory and Use Survey Commodity Codes and Standard Classification of Transported Goods 2 Commodities

Table 54. Crosswalk between vehicle inventory and use survey and standard classification of transported goods.
VIUS Commodity Code VIUS Commodity Description SCTG2
1 Live animals and fish 01
2 Animal feed or products of animal origin 04
3 Cereal grains 02
4 All other agricultural products 03
5 Basic chemicals 20
6 Fertilizers and fertilizer materials 22
7 Pharmaceutical products 21
8 All other chemical products and preparations 23
9 Alcoholic beverages 08
10 Bakery and milled grain products 06
11 Meat, seafood, and their preparations 05
12 Tobacco products 09
13 All other prepared foodstuffs 07
14 Logs and other wood in the rough 25
15 Paper or paperboard articles 28
16 Printed products 29
17 Pulp, newsprint, paper, or paperboard 27
18 Wood products 26
19 Articles of base metal 33
20 Base metal in primary or semi-finished forms 32
21 Nonmetallic mineral products 31
22 Nonpowered tools Service, Not in FAF
23 Powered tools Service, Not in FAF
24 Electronic and other electrical equipment 35
25 Furniture, mattresses, lamps, etc. 39
26 Machinery 34
27 Miscellaneous manufactured products 40
28 Precision instruments and apparatus 38
29 Textile, leather, and related articles 30
30 Vehicles, including parts 36
31 All other transportation equipment 37
32 Coal 15
33 Crude petroleum 16
34 Gravel or crushed stone 12
35 Metallic ores and concentrates 14
36 Monumental or building stone 10
37 Natural sands 11
38 All other nonmetallic minerals 13
39 Fuel oils 18
40 Gasoline and aviation turbine fuel 17
41 Plastics and rubber 24
42 All other coal and refined petroleum products 19
43 Hazardous waste Not in FAF
44 All other waste and scrap 41
45 Recyclable products 41
46 Mail and courier parcels 42
47 Empty shipping containers Not in FAF
48 Passengers Personal, Not in FAF
49 Mixed freight (for-hire carriers only) 43
50 Multiple categories 1
99 Products, equipment, and materials not elsewhere classified 99
(Source: Federal Highway Administration.)

1 Multiple categories are only used as a response to the Principal Product Carried question. Tons and ton-miles are only reported for specific commodities. The Principal Product Carried limits the use of survey records. [Return to note 1]

  Last modified: July 10, 2020